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A Community Service Program for Everyone

Community Service Program for Everyone

Our Community Service Program

Community service should be a rewarding experience. With the right program, young people will take pride in their involvement while gaining life skills and enjoy being part of a group where they can socialize and make new friends.

Preschool Advocates

Our program is designed to guide youth through service projects. Working with parents, teachers or mentors, children can begin as young as preschool to be introduced to the rewards of volunteering. Older children will show pride as they self-guide through the requirements. Teens can use the acquired experience to organize their own action projects.

Student Advocates


Our program is not “school-work”. Children and teens will learn while they participate. Every requirement provides resources to get started. Older children can “try on” career choices. Teens can build a resume and add accomplishments to their college application.

Cadette Girl Scout Selfie

All requirements are flexible allowing you to adjust for your geographic area and your team’s situation. Group size, age range and abilities can be easily accommodated. Existing groups such as Scout troops, service units, packs and dens can incorporate our program into their existing program. Earned patches can be displayed with their other patches. American Heritage Girls, Frontier Girls and any other youth organizations can plan their community service using our program guidelines.

Special Needs Advocates

Easy and Economical
There are no books or binders to purchase. All requirements are on one page. They can be viewed online or downloaded . All resource material is available at no charge. Patches and pins are economically priced.

We hope you’re as excited about this program as we are. Your feedback is appreciated. Please leave any comments below.

Helper Level

At the “Helping Hands” level children will begin to learn about responsibility and empathy. It was specifically created for 3 and 4 year old girls and boys or anyone with the abilities of a preschooler. Specially designed patches are available just for this age.

Designed For:

  • Parents with younger children
  • Special needs children and adults
  • Preschool classes
  • Scout leaders with younger children

Current Available Patches for “Helper

Youth Strong Helping Hands Sea Life Patch
Clean Earth Helper Youth Strong Patch
Turn It Off Helper Youth Strong Patch
Youth Strong Helping Hands Pet Patch
Youth Strong Helping Hands Wildlife Patch
Clean Air Helper Youth Strong Patch
Recycling Helper Youth Strong Patch
Youth Strong Helping Hands Bird Patch
Youth Strong Helping Hands Honey Bee Patch
Clean Water Helper Youth Strong Patch

Friend Level

Most of the projects in our “Friend” level Patch Program® will involve supply drives, clean ups or other actions that assist volunteers or organizations with extra hands to accomplish a specific project. There is an optional free worksheet for younger participants to review the project.

Designed for:

  • Participants who can only invest a small amount of time
  • Younger achievers such as Daisies* and Tiger Cubs
  • Special needs groups and individuals
  • Schools, churches and temples
  • Youths beginning a community service commitment

Average Time Commitment2-3 hours

Current Available Patches for “Friends”

Water way Cleanup Scout Patch
Animal Shelter Drive Scout Patch
Habitat Clean Up Scout Patch
Feeding the Birds Scout Patch
Honey Bee Gardening Service Scout Patch

Volunteer Level

The requirements for our “Volunteer” level patch program®® will include becoming more familiar with the related issues. Free optional worksheets are provided for educational and organizational purposes. The final requirement involves completing a hands-on project of your choosing.

Designed For:

  • Scout troops and youth groups
  • Parent/child or family volunteering
  • Individuals with a specific area of interest
  • Schools, churches and temples
  • Classrooms
  • Anyone who has completed a suggested prerequisite

Average Time Commitment3-5 hours

Current Available Patches for Volunteers

Sea Life Protector Scout Patch
Animal Shelter Volunteer Shelter Scout Patch
Animal Habitat Protector Patch
Bird Sanctuary Volunteer Scout Patch
Honey Bee Supporter Scout Patch

Advocate Level

Advocates continue to educate themselves about topics with the provided videos and links. The requirements for our “Advocate” level patch program®® are geared toward getting support for a specific project of your choosing.

Designed For:

  • Troops of teen scouts and teen youth groups
  • Individual teens and adults
  • Younger teens with a parent or mentor
  • Families with teens
  • High School clubs
  • Anyone who has completed a suggested  prerequisite

Average Time Commitment: 4-8 hours

Current Available Patches for Advocates

Sea Life Advocate Scout Patch
Pet Advocate Scout Patch
Animal Habitat Advocate Scout Patch
Bird Advocate Scout Patch
Endangered Animal Scout Patch

Delegate Level

Our Delegate level program is for those who have gained enough expertise to organize and follow through with an action project. Delegates can build a team of Friends, Volunteers and Advocates to gain life experience while they make meaningful changes in their community.

Designed For:

  • Scout troops of older teens and teen youth organizations with their leader
  • Adults concerned with a specific cause
  • Individual older teens with a parent, leader or mentor
  • High School clubs
  • Community groups
  • Business owners

Average Time Commitment: 15-25 hours

Current Available Pins for Delegates

Enamel Whale Pin
Earth Pin
Conservation Pin
Cat and Dog Enamel Pin
Animal Habitat Delegate Pin
Sky Pin
Recycling Pin
Enamel Cardinal Pin
Honey Bee Pin
Water Drop Pin

Comments (11)

  1. Anne March 23, 2020 at 10:26 am Reply

    I think this is a wonderful program for both my granddaughter and I to participate in. We are already Girl Scouts and this program is a good fit to incorporate into our schedule. That being said, I am upset with the way to sign up. I tried several times to sign both of us up last year when the membership was free. I wasn’t successful and could not find a way to communicate with your program. I found it quite easy this time. Coincidentally I had to pay. I don’t mind paying for our memberships, however I’m definitely not okay with having been offered a chance to sign up free and finding these results. Thank you for taking the time to read these.

    1. Terri Bose March 23, 2020 at 2:00 pm

      Hi Anne, membership is not mandatory. You can participate for free and have access to everything. We only added the paid membership for those who want to earn the Presidential Service Award which was not available at the time you originally tried to sign up. Sorry for the confusion. You can always reach out to us by phone 631-979-7331, email [email protected] or facebook if you have any other questions.

  2. Linda January 19, 2019 at 7:24 pm Reply

    Do we need to purchase each patch separately, or can you purchase them as a set? I only see individual patches in the store.

    1. Terri Bose January 20, 2019 at 9:04 am

      Right now they are only available individually. Thanks for a good idea will consider it.

  3. Debbie January 19, 2019 at 11:07 am Reply

    These programs are just what Girl Scouts need to start focusing on. I am so glad that you came up with these programs. I am starting the Endangered Species with my troop next week. We made bee houses last year and the year before we planted Milkweed for Monarch Butterflies. I believe if you can make kids care about wildlife they will care about all living things including humans. It just might become a safer world.

    1. Terri Bose January 19, 2019 at 12:46 pm

      So glad you like it! We have a new one coming out soon for the environment.

  4. Renee P January 11, 2019 at 9:47 pm Reply

    Are there program suggestions or we make up our own requirements?

    1. Terri Bose January 12, 2019 at 5:37 pm

      Just click on the patches and scroll down to see the requirements. Thanks for your interest!

  5. Barbara Dewey January 9, 2019 at 11:02 pm Reply

    This sounds like a great program. Where can our GS troop sign up?

    1. Terri Bose January 10, 2019 at 9:02 am

      No sign up required! Just jump right in.

    2. Terri Bose February 11, 2019 at 7:42 am

      Membership is free in 2019. https://liveyouthstrong.com/

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