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Multi-Level Girl Scout Birthday Party


Weekly Girl Scout Leader Photo Challenge

Each week we post a patch on our Facebook Page and Instagram. Leaders are asked to post a photo of their girls earning that patch. We ask you include the troop number, location and a brief description of what your girls did to earn the patch. One or more troops will be chosen to receive the patches for free. For the winning troops, one patch will be awarded to each girl pictured in the photo. We will be using the photos in our blog or website so make sure you have photo releases!

Here are some guidelines for how we choose the winning photos:

  • Make sure the photo tells a story of what the girls are doing
  • Photos need to be well-lit and in focus
  • We prefer horizontal photos (turn you phone sideways)
  • We like a mix of posed, candid and funny photos but the best photos are of the girls in action
  • Do not send montages of multiple photos in one shot but feel free to submit as many photos as you want

Week Ending 5/12/2018

Earth Day Patch

Emoji Patch Group
Senior Girl Scouts Build a Little Free Pantry
Earn a little Free Librarty Patch. Senior troop 5026 in North Hollywood, CA built from scratch a Little Free Library for a local cat shelter and collected books about cats and pets for it.

Week Ending 5/5/2018

Earth Day Patch

Loving the Earth Girl Scout Fun Patch
Brownie Earth Day Project
Earn an earth day patch like Brownie Troop 7175 from KY, They planted around 50 trees at a local park!

Week Ending 4/28/2018

Craft Fun Patch

Daisy Girl Scout Crafts
Earn a craft patch like Daisy Troop 6424 from Rancho Cucamonga, CA. They made large wooden daisies that each girl got to personalize with their name on it. They took their creation home and hung them up in their bedrooms.

Week Ending 4/21/2018

Outdoor Fun Patch

Girl Scout Outdoor Fun Patch
Senior Girl Scouts earning the retired Forestry IP.
Girl Scouts of all ages can earn an outdoor fun patch. Cadette & Senior Troop #1147 at Forestry Museum in Lufkin Texas earning the retired Forestry IP.

Week Ending 4/14/2018

Community Service Patch

Girl Scout preparing dinner at the Ronald McDonald house.
Earn a community service patch. Troop 1147 Fort Worth, Texas making dinner for Ronald McDonald House. This was Cadettes through Ambassadors making Chicken Alfredo, Salad, Garlic bread and Better than Robert Redford dessert. Can't wait to do it again it was very fulfilling.♡

Week Ending 4/6/2018

GS Week Patch

Girl Scout Week Fun Patch
Girl Scouts celebrate Girl Scout Sunday.
Earn your Girl Scout Sunday patch. 18 girls from 5 troops host the Sunday service on GS Sunday and concluded with a food drive for the food pantry.

Week Ending 3/30/2018

Considerate & Caring Patch

Considerate and Caring Girl Scout Patch
Junior Troop painting with assited living residents.
Here's a special way to earn the painting fun patch. Junior Troop 2161 organized and hosted a St. Patrick's day party with the residents of Villas of HollyBrook Retirement and Memory Care Residential center. One of the activities was painting with the residents.

Week Ending 3/24/2018

Living the Law Patch

Livng the Law Girl Scout Patch
Cadette Girl Scouts* Breath Take Action Project
Cadette* Troops 1081 & 1074 of Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin breathe take action project greening the school with year old plants and the help of community partners.

Week Ending 3/17/2018

Be a Sister Patch

Girl Scout Be A Sister Fun Patch
Cadette Girl Scout Being a Sister
These girls earned a "Be a sister" patch. Cadette Cookie Captain took time from her very busy middle school schedule to help mentor a sister troop First time seller Daisy and Brownie. She taught them proper behavior and ettiquite. How to sell cookies and explaining each type to customers. Keep a smile on and always say Thank You and have a nice day. They taught her to have fun and not to take herself so serious. Troop 2384 & 2064 Southern California...... Girl Scout way!!!!

Week of 3/3-3/10/2018

Cookie Sale Patch

Girl Scout Cookie Fun Patch
Daisy Girl Scouts Selling Cookies
Daisy Troop 1350 in Gambrills, MD had 24 kindergartners that worked hard on their first cookie selling season getting out of their comfort zone drawing customers in and making sales. Our sunshine, lollipops and rainbow cookie booth even had a special lollipop garden so each girl was represented! Their favorite selling tactic, though, was the “can’t decide” spinning wheel.

Week of 2/25-3/3/2018

Holland Thinking Patch

Week of 2/18-2/24/2018

I Love GS Fun Patch

I Love GS Fun Patch
Girl Scout parade float.
Multi-level Troop 2715 showing their Girls Scout* pride at the fall parade! They girls received "I love GS*" patches.

Week of 2/11-2/17/2018

Cooking Fun Patch

Cooking fun Patch
Brownie Girl Scouts Cooking at Camp
California Brownie* Troop 10977 with Cadette* assistance cooking dinner at our cabin camping overnight. Each patrol took turns cooking every meal.

Week of 2/4-2/10/2018

What’s Your Superpower? Patch

Girl Scout Superhero Fun Patch
Girl Scouts attending a STEM event.
Troop 843, Junior* to Senior*,from Idaho Falls attended a STEM event at EBR 1 nuclear reactor site! They earned the What's your superpower patch.

Week of 1/28-2/3/2018

Camping Fun Patch

Camping Girl Scout Fun Patch
Junior Girl Scouts Tent Camping
Junior* Troop 1250 at our annual council-run camp. These girls earned a fun camping patch.

Week of 1/20-1/27/2018

Winter Fun Patch

Winter Fun Girl Scout Fun Patch
Senior Girl Scouts Tubing
Senior* Troop 2297 went tubing at a ski resort in southern Indiana. The girls received a winter patch.

Week of 1/13-1/20/2018

Me and My Special Person Patch

Me & My Special Person Fun Patch
Girl Scout He and Me Dance
We call our dance the “me and my VIP dance”. It’s a really awesome night that is for our whole Girl Scout service unit. Girls received the Me and my special person patch.

Week of 1/7-1/13/2018

Service from the Heart Patch

Girl Scout Community Service
Troop 20412 of Algona iowa presenting our local senior citizens center with a new water dispenser purchased from our fall product sale proceeds. Our senior center provides noon meals for seniors, meals on wheels for home bound seniors, activities for seniors, and serves as a community center as well.

Week of 12/31-1/6/2018

Holiday Fun Patch

Holiday Celebration Girl Scout Fun Patch
Troop 17695 from Minneapolis celebrated this holiday season by seeing Ferdinand the movie after a trip to a local nursing home to carol and pass out gifts to the residence.
Troop 334 marched and handed out candy in our local Christmas parade!
Local Rescue Squad ask troop 1132 to come be in the Christmas Parade with Santa Claus.

Week of 12/24-12/30/2017

Caroling Fun Patch

Earn a singing for seniors patch. Brownie Troop #70 caroling at a local nursing home and gave Holiday cards to the residents.
Troop 1250 in Highland, CA went caroling at the local senior center.

Week of 12/16-12/23/2017

Wreath Laying Patch

Girl Scout Wreath Laying Patch
Troop 42195, Warsaw Cemetery N.Y., laying wreaths for our veterans.
Girl Scout Troop 9620 from Corpus Christi, TX laid wreaths on the grave sites at the Coastal Bend Veterans Cemetery. One of our girls laid a wreath at her uncle’s grave site. He passed away last year.
I'm active duty and the troop leader my co leader is active duty and deployed....we are the leaders of Troop 118 from Virginia Beach VA...we organized the wreath laying ceremony at our local Veterans cemetery (Cedar Grove Cemetery in Portsmouth VA) in conjunction with a Boy Scout troop. It was a beautiful ceremony in which the mayor gave a very powerful speech. I was proud to have helped organize the ceremony and proud of my Daisy's to reverently place a wreath on so many sites. We raised enough money as a Troop to personally donate 30 wreaths!!!! As a service member it honestly choked me up to look into their eyes and place a wreath into their outstretched arms.

Week of 12/10-12/15/2017

Military Care Package Patch

Military Care Package Girl Scout Fun Patch
Troop 365 packed care packages for Siouxland Soldiers.

Week of 12/2-12/9/2017

Making the World a Better Place Emoji Patch

Make the World a Better PlaceEmoji Girl Scout Fun Patch
Jr Troop 16222 and Cadette 10565 rebuilding the walkway bridge at George Bible Park in Bryan Ohio in the rain to make the world a better place.
Kindergarten Daisy Troop 76252 donated items for a Christmas dinner and delivering the baskets for the elderly in southeastern Michigan.

Week of 11/26-12/2/2017

Thanksgiving 2017 Patch

Thanksgiving 2017 Girl Scout Fun Patch
Troop 366 Lakeland Fl. We decorated 50 bags for the local Thanksgiving Dinner for the elderly. Dinners were delivered in these bags. We also made 144 pumpkin muffins to go on the bags!
Troop 30500, Marina CA. Handing out Thanksgiving Turkeys & fixings to the needy last Wednesday.

Week of 11/9-11/25/2017

Halloween Patch

Girl Scout Halloween Fun Patch
Girl Scout Trunk or Treat
We held a trunk or treat and had a bonfire with Smores and lots of songs!!! Troop 776 north central alabama.
Girl Scout Halloween Carnival
Troop #3700 had a Halloween Carnival where girls made their own carnival booths. Such as "Sydney's Witches Ring Toss", and Mummy Bowling. The girls had a blast!

Week of 11/12-11/17/2017

Hurricane Relief Patch

Girl Scout Hurricane Relief 2017 Patch
Cadette Girl Scouts doing Hurrican Relief
Cadette Troop 916 - Sanford, FL packed over 1,000 meals with Orlando Cares - Hope for Puerto Rico!
Daisy Girl Scouts Donate Halloween Candy for Kids Affected by Hurricanes
Cadette Troop 916 - Sanford, FL packed over 1,000 meals with Orlando Cares - Hope for Puerto Rico!