Leading your troop just got easier.

Badges and JOURNEY* Printables


Girl working on word search puzzle.

Don’t miss our teen role model printables. Girls of every level will find these inspirational.

Fun Fact: From the original 18 girls, membership has grown to 3.7 million members.

First Aid Coloring Page

Printable Family Word Search

Family Word Search is a good way to get the conversation started for the Brownie My Family Story badge. Some people have small families and some have big families but we all need to learn who we are and where we came from.

Simple Meals Recipes

recipes and blank cards for Girl Scout Juniors earning the Simple Meals Badge.…

Animal Habitats | Fact Sheets and Word Search Puzzles

Girl Scouts can print colorful sheets with wildlife photos for the Junior Animal Habitat Badge in a Bag®…

Snacks Badge | Very Easy No-Bake Recipes

Not only are these recipes no-bake, they are also no-stove, no-microwave, no-blender, even no-electricity for the Snacks Badge…

Printable Bug Facts Coloring Pages

Learn all about bugs and with cute coloring pages …

Pet Badge | Printable Pet Facts with Mazes

Our pet facts will help you earn the Pet Badge. …

Biographies for Stereotype-Busting Teen Role Models

Teen entreprenuers, environmentalists and more to help earn the Girl Scout Junior aMUSE Journey…

Biographies of Present-Day Teen Role Models

Free printables about teen entreprenuers, designer, activist and more for the Girl Scout Junior Agent of Change Journey.…

Biographies of Environmentalist Teen Role Models

Teen Environmentalists Information. Free printables to help complete the Junior Girl Scout Get Moving Journey…

Biographies of Teen Role Models from the Past

information about Juliette Low and other women who accomplished great things to inspire girls to become agents of change and while they work on their Junior Girl Scout Journey…

Flower Fact Sheets and Word Search

Free printables for the Girl Scout Junior Flower Badge.…

Snack Word Search

Find out about some of the ingredients in the food you eat.…

*MakingFriends®.com is not affiliated with, endorsed by or a licensee of Girl Scouts of the USA

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