Leading your troop just got easier.

Brownie* Ideas


There is so much you can do with your troop!

JOURNEYS* and proficiency badges are often considered the core of the program. But, your girls are at a great age to try all kinds of new things. From crafts with different supplies to overnighters, you can try many different activities with your troop. Badges and JOURNEYS* can give you ideas for fun trips and events. Or, you could start off with a trip or tour to a local destination. If your girls really enjoy it, that’s a clue for helping your troop choose badges and a JOURNEY*.

With your guidance, your girls can start making decisions about their scout experience. Our blog about girl-led Brownie* troops can get you started. MakingFriends®.com has tips, ideas, freebies and complete kits to make leading your troop easier.

Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook. We have a helpful community of more than 22,000 leaders who are always ready to help. You don’t want to miss the coupons either!

Fun Fact:
Until recently, Brownies* was a three-year program that included first-graders.

Learning the Law

Juliette Low wrote the Law more than 100 years ago. Yet, it is as relevant today as it was then. Try one of these ideas to teach it to your girls.


Girls will be very proud to fill up their vests with badges, awards and fun patches. We have many ideas to make that enjoyable for them and easy for you!

Brownie Girl Scout Climbing on Logs


The JOURNEYS* can be a rewarding experience for your girls. Don’t get overwhelmed. We have many ideas that make it simple to guide your girls in completing them while having fun.

International Ideas

Whether you need help picking a country or finding ideas for recipes, pins for swapping or costumes, we have many ideas to make Thinking Day* a big event for your troop.

Avon Villagers Service Unit

Kits for Swapping
It’s fun and affordable, so make pins to trade at your next event.

Brownie Earth Day Project

Community Service

Girls can certainly make a difference by doing service projects right in their community.

A Year of Brownies

ideas for Brownie troop meetings and activities for each month to help keep your girls engaged with activities that match their level and each month or season.


Crafts and Activities

Every girl this age loves to make things. While you don’t want to plan a craft for every meeting, make sure to include several during the year, especially for the holidays.


Fun Freebies

Got ink? You’re going to need it. We have so many activities for your Brownies. Keep your girls busy before the meeting starts with our puzzles, games and crafts. Many can be used to complete badge requirements.

Girl Scouts Flag Raising

Ceremonies and Traditions

From meeting openers and flag ceremonies to investiture, rededication and bridging, find out about what makes scouting special.


Fun Patches

Your girls are only at this level for two years, but you will be surprised how many memories you will make during that time. Their fun patches will be a reminder of all those experiences.

Junior Girl Scouts working at a local bakery.

Trips and Tours

There are many free and inexpensive trips and tours available. Get ideas for your troop from other leaders.

Brownie Girl Scouts donating cookies to the military


It’s that wonderful time a year when real life stops and cookies take over. Find out how to sell more and have more fun while doing it!

Brownie Ice Cream Party during Girl Scout week.

Celebrations, Events and Parties

From small parties and parades to huge Service Unit events, your troop will enjoy the social side of the scout experience.

Brownie Girl Scouts Backyard Camping

Camping and Outdoor Activities

Get your girls outside and encourage them to be active! Scouts isn’t only about camping. Go swimming or bike riding. Build a snowman or scarecrow. The possibilities are endless.

Scout Leader 411 Blog

Get great tips and ideas from other leaders or submit your own and get $40 in store credit for your troop!

Save*MakingFriends®.com is not affiliated with, endorsed by or a licensee of Girl Scouts of the USA

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