Leading your troop just got easier.

Cadette Troop 5104 from Chino, California earning their amusement park patch!

Cadette* Ideas

Girl Scout Cadettes on a trip.

Cadettes*… now it’s getting real.

Your troop is ready to make just about all their own plans from meeting ideas to spending cookie money. Your girls have earned the right to tailor their scout experience to be something they will remember for years to come. MakingFriends®.com has tips, ideas and complete kits to help your girls as they progress to a girl-led troop.

Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook. We have a helpful community of more than 22,000 leaders who are always ready to help. You don’t want to miss the coupons either!

Silver Award*
See what other scouts have done for their Silver Award*. When they are finished make sure to share photos and a summary of what they did. Tell us about it to earn $40 in store credit for your troop!

Girl Scouts Dutch Oven Cooking.

Your girls may not want to work on badges at every meeting. It’s OK if they don’t, but when they do, make sure it is a fun experience they are sure to remember.

Cadette Girl Scouts Breath Take Action Project

The JOURNEY* can be a rewarding experience for your girls. Don’t get overwhelmed. We have many ideas that make it simple to guide your girls in completing it.

Troop 60266 dressed for Greece. They also made a Trojan horse out of cookie boxes.

International Ideas

Need help picking a country? Or maybe your girls know what country they want to represent but you want ideas for costumes, food or pins for swapping. You’ll find it all here.


Kits For Swapping
It’s fun and affordable, so make pins to trade at your next event.

Girl Scouts doing a school supply drive.

Community Service

Your troop can “make the world a better place” by doing service projects right in their community.

Fun Fact:
Cadettes* became an official level in 1963.


Crafts and Activities

It’s time to purge your craft box of peel and stick foamies. Donate them to a new younger troop. Your girls need fresh, new hands-on activities to keep them interested.

Fun Freebies

You’ll find word puzzles and help with badges and JOURNEYS*. Don’t miss our teen role models free printables.

Ceremonies and Traditions

From meeting openers and flag ceremonies to investitures, rededication and bridging, find out about what makes scouting special.


Fun Patches

Your older girls will still like to add fun patches to their vests. Just make sure they are representative of the girls’ memories and, of course, let them do the picking.


Trips and Tours
Never underestimate your girls at this age. Trips should be packed with adventure. Tell us what you’ve done and get $40 in store credit for your troop!

Girl Scout Cadettes Supehero Cookie Booth


It’s that wonderful time a year when real life stops and cookies take over. Find out how to sell more and have more fun while doing it!


Celebrations, Events and Parties

From small parties and parades to huge service unit events, your troop will enjoy the social side of their experience.

Cindy Smith's Cadette troop in a canoe while camping.

Camping and Outdoor Activities

Take it to the next level with your girls and try some new experiences.


Scout Leader 411 Blog

Get great tips and ideas from other leaders or submit your own and get $40 in store credit for your troop!

*MakingFriends®.com is not affiliated with, endorsed by or a licensee of Girl Scouts of the USA

Comments (2)

  1. Molly Wildrick December 1, 2021 at 6:37 pm Reply

    Will you be getting anymore Flag retirement patches in? I need 9 and of course you only have 8 in stock. Thanks

    1. Terri Bose December 2, 2021 at 2:44 pm

      Yes we will!

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