Leading your troop just got easier.

Troop 6022 of North Little Rock Cabin Camping.  How will your troop earn the Happy Camper patch?

Junior* Ideas

Junior Girl Scouts on a Camping Trip

Your Girls are Ready to Take it Up a Notch!

This is an age when girls might consider leaving scouts. Often their schedules are full and you may feel that you are competing for their time. The key to keeping girls this age committed is keeping them interested. That might require a monthly trip, overnighters, experimenting with art supplies or all of the above. Let your girls decide. Whatever they choose, you will find everything you need here at MakingFriends®.com.

Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook. We have a helpful community of more than 22,000 leaders who are always ready to help. You don’t want to miss the coupons either!

Fun Fact:
All badges (not just Junior* ones) used to be round.

Shelter Helper Girl Scout Challenge

Bronze Award*
Learn about what other troops have done to earn their Bronze Award*. Make sure to share a photo and summary of whatever your troop does. Tell us about it and earn $40 in store credit for your troop!

Troop 732 doing the Simple Meals Badge in a Bag

There are some great badges at this level. Find out which ones are right for your troop and get helpful tips and ideas, free printables and complete kits.


By now you are probably a seasoned troop leader. Even experienced leaders can use JOURNEY* ideas! Got it all figured out? Make sure to share your ideas.

Troop 45868 did Germany for 2015 Thinking day. We tie dyed our shirts the colors of the German flag

International Ideas
Need help picking a country to learn about? Or maybe your girls know what country they want to represent but you want ideas for costumes, food or pins for swapping. You’ll find it all here.

Girl Scout SWAPs

Kits for Swapping
It’s fun and affordable, so make pins to trade at your next event.

Junior Girl Scouts April Showers

Community Service

At this age, girls really understand that they can “make the world a better place” in their community. Take a look at ideas from other troops or share your ideas.

A Year of Juniors

ideas for Junior troop meetings and activities for each month to help keep your girls engaged with activities that match their level and each month or season

Multi level troop 250 made tutus to wear (juniors - daisies) during our annual Believe Walk community service event to support breast cancer awareness

Crafts and Activities
For this age it’s best to plan crafts with a purpose. See the homemade ideas we have for adding crafts to your service project, for earning badges and for donating.

Fun Freebies
You’ll find word puzzles and help with badges and JOURNEYS*. Don’t miss our teen role models free printables.

Girl Scouts Flag Raising

and Traditions

From meeting openers and flag ceremonies to investitures, rededication and bridging, find out about what makes scouting special.


Fun Patches
Girls this age still love fun patches. Trip patches and community service patches are always a good idea for this age group.

Trips and Tours
Looking for new ideas? Find out how one troop took to a trip to Canada and met up with a troop in Ontario.

Junior Girl Scouts Give Cookies to Women in the Military.

It’s that wonderful time a year when real life stops and cookies take over. Find out how to sell more and have more fun while doing it!

Troop 13044 sleepover.

Celebrations, Events and Parties
From small parties and parades to huge Service Unit events, your troop will enjoy the social side of the scout experience.

Junior Girl Scouts on a Camping Trip

Camping and Outdoor Activities

Get your girls outside and encourage them to be active! Scouts isn’t only about camping. Go swimming or bike riding. Build a snowman or scarecrow. The possibilities are endless.

Scout Leader 411 Blog

Get great tips and ideas from other leaders or submit your own and get $40 in store credit for your troop!

*MakingFriends®.com is not affiliated with, endorsed by or a licensee of Girl Scouts of the USASave

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