Sow What? Badge in a Bag® – Instructions Only
Can be done in 7 meetings, a weekend or one day.
The easy instructions will allow them to complete all the steps, and guide them through the planning of a Take Action project. Hands-on activities will keep their interest. No more complaining about “school work!” It will be an easy, fun and rewarding experience for everyone! Purchase one for your troop and print as many copies as you need. Please do not share outside your troop.
Note: This is instructions for download only. Supplies not included. Nothing will be shipped to you.
Sky Badge Download for Seniors
Part of our “Real Woman” Series!
Spotlight is on Wendy DeGraffenried
Ever wonder why laying on your back and gazing up at the clouds is so relaxing?
Just ask Wendy DeGraffenried. As a school nurse who specializes in mindfulness and resiliency building, Ms. DeGraffenried knows all about the healing properties of cloud watching. Take a look at her interview with the Cloud Appreciation Society in this video: https://fb.watch/7p41Ds9BE3/ (begins at 13:00)Go to Wendydegraffenried.com to find out more
about Ms. Degraffenried. Inquire about consultation and
presentation offerings at wendydegraffenried.com/contact.10% of the proceeds of this download will go
to thecloudappreciationsociety.org -
Original price was: $12.99.$11.99Current price is: $11.99.
India International Costume Friendship Swap Kit
Superhero Serafina wears traditional clothing from India for these international crafts for swapping. No scissors or glue needed. Quick and easy to make.
Kit makes 24.
*This item is not eligible for return/refund*
Our page India | Ideas for Thinking Day* has more ideas for costumes, free printables, crafts, patches and more.
*MakingFriends®.com is not affiliated with, endorsed by or a licensee of Girl Scouts of the USA.
The Superhero program was developed by MakingFriends®.com. Our girl-led downloads and products are a fun way to prepare for your International event while saving time for leaders.
Original price was: $12.99.$11.99Current price is: $11.99.
Green Angel Friendship Swap Kit
It takes a special person to be a green angel.
Girl Scout* volunteers are known a green angels. Make a batch of these to keep on hand to thank your troop volunteers.
Kit makes 30
*MakingFriends®.com is not affiliated with, endorsed by or a licensee of Girl Scouts of the USA.
Sign Language Patch Program®- Downloads Only
Learn basic sign language including fingerspelling.
Original price was: $0.99.$0.75Current price is: $0.75.
Education Volunteer Service Patch Program®
This 2″ embroidered iron-on patch can be awarded as part of our Outreach Service Patch Program®. Find out more about the Youth Squad organization.
Original price was: $4.99.$3.99Current price is: $3.99.
Owl and Turtle Enamel Pin
1″ enamel owl and turtle pin with secure clutch back.
Show your appreciation for wildlife. These pins can be traded, awarded, or given as gifts.
Also give as an award in our Animal Welfare Service Program or as gifts to program sponsors.
Original price was: $12.99.$11.99Current price is: $11.99.
Greece International Friendship Swap Kit: Learn Greek
Superhero Freedom wears a Girl Guide uniform from Greece or these World Thinking Day* crafts. Learn 30 different Greek words while you make these crafts for swapping. No scissors or glue needed.
Kit makes 30
*This item is not eligible for return/refund*
Find information about Greece as well as patches, crafts, free printables and more for your international event on our page Greece | Ideas for Thinking Day*.
The Superhero program was developed by MakingFriends®.com. Our girl-led downloads and products are a fun way to earn Girl Scout* petals, badges and journeys and prepare for World Thinking Day* while saving time for leaders.
*MakingFriends®.com is not affiliated with, endorsed by or a licensee of Girl Scouts of the USA.
Original price was: $15.99.$13.99Current price is: $13.99.
Juliette’s Cake Friendship Swap Kit – LIMITED SUPPLY !
GSUSA® feels that this product was infringing on their intellectual property. In response, we are discontinuing this product. Supplies are limited.
Original price was: $7.99.$6.90Current price is: $6.90.
Adulting Skills Patch Program® Group
Adulting is a term to describe behavior that is seen as responsible and grown-up. This behavior often involves meeting the mundane demands of independent and professional living, such as paying bills and keeping house.