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Musician Badge Download for Juniors

Product Number: MF-010056

Girl Scout Real Women Musician Badge DownloadSpotlight is on Jessica Gallone, Owner of Rock N Roll U.


Music floods the brain with a feel-good chemical called dopamine. This chemical is associated with pleasure, motivation and reward. Whether you play an instrument, sing, dance, or simply enjoy listening to music, it can lift your spirits and make you feel good. No one knows this better than Jessica Gallone. She has always believed in the power of music to unite, uplift and inspire. Owning the Rock N Roll U perfectly melds her love of music and her professional experience as a social worker by connecting with others through music.


To find out more about Jessica, go to RNRU.rocks/jessica-gallone/

10% of the proceeds will go to https://www.familyres.org/


Part of our  “Real Woman” Series!



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Individual Troop License: Purchase one download for your troop and print as many copies as you need for your girls. The download is for your troop’s use only. For this reason, we limit the number of times you can access this download to two times and it will expire 90 days after purchase.

Service Unit License: Purchase one download for your service unit and share with all your leaders. This license is not limited and does not expire.

Council License: Purchase one download for your council and share with all your leaders. This license is not limited and does not expire. Free revisions and upgrades included.

As a leader, we know you will be “honest and fair”. Receiving fair payment allows us to continue to develop more program options for you and your troop. Your honesty is appreciated.


  • Learn about Jessica and her work at the Rock N Roll U.
  • Learn about how music can portray different moods.
  • Listen to different types of music and think about how it makes you feel.
  • Learn about different musical genres and how they change through the years.
  • Solve a crossword puzzle to learn about the different kinds of careers in music.
  • Write your own lyrics to send a message.
  • Make an instrument and give a musical performance.

Additional information

Weight .5 lbs
Dimensions 1 × 1 × 1 in

Troop License, Service Unit License (+$10.00), Council License (+$485.00)

1 review for "Musician Badge Download for Juniors"

  1. Rated 4 out of 5


    My girls absolutely LOVED this badge. Their favorite activity was fill in the blank for making up their own lyrics. Some girls were very serious and others made up silly lyrics. It was nice to see their personalities come alive through the music. There was lots of dancing and laughing throughout! Can’t wait to try another one.

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