Leading your troop just got easier.

New Fun, Social Distance Ideas for for Your Troop


Hula Hoop Girl Scout Sit Upon

What the heck is this thing? 






hula hoop situpon

Can you tell now?

You’ve all probably heard that kids are using hula hoops to help them with social distancing. The hula hoops are spaced properly and the kids know to stay in their circle. So lets add the Girl Scout touch and make it into a sit-upon. It’s a great idea for your outdoor meetings and something the girls will have fun making.

It’s easy, just use our sit-upon kit and your hula hoops and duct tape and you’re girls have the most ingenious social distancing tool.



No-sew masks the girls will love to make and wear.

Yep, that’s right. These masks are no-sew. All you have to do is fold and glue. Everything else is done for you including cutting and hemming the fabric and tying the elastic. Just remember, not all fabric glue is created equal. We recommend Fabric-Tac. Its flexible, washable and dries almost instantly. You’ll probably be tempted to use hot glue. But don’t. It’s stiff and can’t be washed. If you prefer, they can be sewn with just two simple stitches. Masks can be made to fit children or teens depending upon the way it is finished.

The best part is that we’ve included surprise embroidered embellishments to make the masks special. Eight are included in each kit with all kinds of fun themes.


Super size it!

You can’t go wrong with games and making them super-sized makes them super fun. It also adds physical activity to games that are normally sedentary.  Try playing Two Dice Yahtzee with huge inflatable dice.

Here’s what you need:

Here’s how to play:

Space the girls in a large circle. You can seat them for a more active game or the game moves faster if everyone is standing. Players take turns jumping up, retrieving the dice and rolling both dice into the middle of the circle. Unlike original Yahtzee, girls do not get a second roll. Depending on what they roll each player decides in which space to put their score. Rolling two aces or two sixes gets bonus points. Otherwise, you get the number of points indicated on the dice.

More Ideas:

  • Play original five dice Yahtzee with 2 teams.
  • Challenge your girls to make up their own dice game.
  • Play Concentration with a giant deck of cards.


Girl Scout Detective Badge in a BagSuper Size Badge Earning

Got Juniors? They can play super size Clue and earn the Detective Badge with our Badge in a Bag® . Kit includes inflatables for game pieces and you can space the giant game board for social distancing. The four other badge requirements have supplies included with the kit and they can be done with distancing.

Most of our Badge in a Bag® kits can be done socially distanced or independently.

What are your ideas for social distance meetings? Share them with us.


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