Mini Cupcake Pins for Swapping

You need:
- Pom Poms
- Seed Beads
- Mini Cupcake Liners
- Clear Gel Glue
- Scissors
- Candle
- Safety Pins
- Large or Jumbo SWAP* Tags
On the inside bottom of the cupcake liner put a layer of clear gel glue and then adhere one pom pom. Using the clear gel glue adhere the seed beads onto the top of the pom pom. Cut the candle in half and then poke it through the center top of the pom pom, use clear gel glue for extra hold. Glue the finished cupcake to a large or jumbo SWAP* tag. Write your name, troop, city and state on the tag. Then open a pin and slide it through the tag hole. Close pin.