Which scout leader superhero are you?
How do you feel about troop camping?

What is snack time like with your troop?

How do you handle badge requirements.

Where do most of your troop craft supplies come from?

What do you do when a parent does not hand in a permission slip.

If your girls were doing an extreme sport such as rock climbing or zip lining would you join in.

How do you feel about cookie season.

How much of the Girl Scout training material have you read?

What is your go-to activity to fill a little extra time?

What is your favorite thing about Girl Scouting?

Which Girl Scout leader superhero are you?
You enjoy playing games and doing other activities with your girls. They know that you don't have favorites and they can count on you to be there for them. You are honest and fair. Find out more about your superhero powers and how you can use them with your troop!
You like to socialize and Girl Scouting has given you an opportunity to expand your social network. You have a good attitude and enjoy the time you spend volunteering. You are friendly and helpful. Find out more about your superhero powers and how you can use them with your troop!
You have a big heart. Your family and your community are very important to you. You love animals. Your girls feel loved and accepted in your troop. Your are considerate and caring. Find out more about your superhero powers and how you can use them with your troop!
Girl Scouting is very important to you. You especially enjoy the time you spend outdoors with your girls and the girls like that you challenge and encourage them. You are courageous and strong. Find out more about your superhero powers and how you can use them with your troop!
Your are very cerebral. Your want your girls to become successful adults. They look up to you as a role model. You are responsible for what you say and do. Find out more about your superhero powers and how you can use them with your troop!
You are a free spirit. You are proud of your ability to think outside the box. Your girls enjoy the fun and creativity that you bring to their meetings and events. You respect yourself and others. Find out more about your superhero powers and how you can use them with your troop!
You take your role as a Girl Scout leader very seriously. Your girls know that Girl Scouts is a place they can try new things safely. You repect authority. Find out more about your superhero powers and how you can use them with your troop!
You are very creative especially with your troop funds. You know that your girls are getting the best program possible for the least amount of money. You use resources wisely. Find out more about your superhero powers and how you can use them with your troop!
You are creative thinker and very clever. You use your abilities to bring your girls the best possible Girl Scout experince. You make the world a better place. Find out more about your superhero powers and how you can use them with your troop!
You always reach out to include everyone. Your girls feel comfortable and accepted in your meetings and events. You are a sister to every Girl Scout. Find out more about your superhero powers and how you can use them with your troop!
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