Girl Scout* Challenges

Our multi-level (D/J/C) Troop 7011 from El Centro, Ca made “birthday-in-a-bag” pouches that were delivered to a local receiving home for displaced/foster children. They included handmade birthday cards with inspirational quotes and heartfelt notes from “your Girl Scout friend.” They also talked about Juliette Low and what they thought the first GS meeting was probably like, discussed the different ways the GS Law and promise can be interpreted and played a game that encouraged communication, exercise and teamwork. They wrapped up the meeting with a special treat; birthday cake!
Girl Scout Birthday Challenge
We challenged you to complete a birthday related service project by the end of Girl Scout week.
And you stepped up. We had 170 troops participate and 36 posted photos of their project. Troop 7011, shown above, was chosen as the winner of $100 in store credit from MakingFriends.com.
Cadette Troop 40933 in Libertyville, IL, made Birthday cards for Seniors in our local nursing home. From our Girl Scout birthday to theirs!!
Birthday cake boxes! Each bag has a cake mix, frosting, candles and a gift. These will be donated to Swartz Baptist Church that has a blessing box for families in need. ..Troop 688
Troop 1078 in Cadiz Ky made birthday bags for our local food bank, Helping Hands. We talked about how small acts of kindness can help change the world. ❤️
Brownie Troop 203 (Elko Nv) service project was decorated onesies for the first born baby girl of Girl Scout week. Several of the girls chose tie dye and a couple choose to use fabric markers.
We are a brand new Troop #34410 Buffalo, NY. I didn’t see this project. We taught the girls the history of girl scouts and how old we are. We were also working on International Women’s day so the girls didn’t miss out. Our girls went home with a weekly calendar and did one activity for each day! Our girls did great! We finished with cupcakes!
First Year Daisy Troop 28887 celebrated Girl Scouts Birthday with a party of our own! We decorated cupcakes, sang, gave the gift of Birthday Bags to the food bank, and had received our Petal Awards!
Lenape Valley Girl Scouts
93Our service unit Lenape Valley GS had a 106th GS Birthday Party for our unit on March 16th. We had a very special Ambassador Girl Scout join us in a sing a long, teaching the girls lots of fun traditional GS songs. We had a swap station with your GS Law swap kit, which was a hit with the girls. We had four stations with games for the girls to play, a selfie booth, a table displaying historic GS uniforms, a table displaying Daisy, Brownie, Junior, and CSA vests filled with patches and badges, a scrapbook showcasing a Bronze award, SWAPS from our troop adventures and the Rock the Mall celebration. We also had a station featuring make your own GS mix, filled with treats, each relating to being in the sister hood of GS, and cupcakes of course! As the service component we filled and made 20 birthday bags filled with a stuffed bear, cake mix, frosting, cups, plates, napkins, blowers, candles, bubble, crayons, a coloring poster and hand colored and written cards from the girls. We had 93 girls register to come and this event was totally funded from service unit monies. Multiple troops came together to host the event, run stations, and it was a great experience to see the girls living the true GS sisterhood, and most of all giving back to the community which is the most important thing we do as Girl Scouts!
Troop 60319 from Michigan made birthday bags for the local food pantry.
Thank you for participating!
Great project! Thanks for letting us know!
Here is Multi-level Troop 54321 from Southern NJ. They together Birthday Bags for children and/or their siblings who will celebrate their birthdays while receiving medical treatment at the Ronald McDonald House. The Birthday Bags consisted of several items to throw a party while being away from home. From party hats, to candles and even tablecloths! Our Troop thought these bags would not be complete unless they had some awesome Girl Scout cookies, so they added them too! Troop 54321 is looking forward to delivering these bags to our local RMH and to also do a birthday themed craft with the children while we visit.
Thank you for this wonderful idea, our Troop loved participating in this Birthday Challenge!
Our Lake Worth area Daisy/Brownie Troop, Leo 20732, made a big card and a birthday party for a lonely 101 year old lady that lives alone and doesn’t get much company aside from an aid that comes a few days a week for a few hours. She never married and has few family members left. She was so happy to have our troop visit her and celebrate her birthday and she had lots of interesting stories to share with our girls. She can’t wait for us to visit again.
Great project! thank you for submitting
Girl Scout Troop #1133 is multi-level troop in the Kentucky’s Wilderness Road Council. The group meets in Florence, KY. This year, troop members kicked off Girl Scout week by hosting an open Girl Scout Sunday event at Hopeful Lutheran Church in Florence.
The event was advertised on social media as the only open Girl Scout Sunday event in Northern Kentucky. Girl Scouts from other troops were invited to attend 9AM and 11AM services. All Girl Scouts, past and present, were recognized during the services and special program inserts promoting the 106th anniversary of Girl Scouting were distributed to all service attendees.
Troop #1133 created a video to show the congregation their year of service work. They also hosted a cookie and green punch reception following the 11AM service. Attendees were able to sample all varieties of Girl Scout cookies and purchase any additional boxes they wanted to take home.
Girls in Troop #1133 also set up a special table at the cookie reception called the Cookie Iron Chef table. Attendees were invited to sample several recipes featuring different varieties of Girl Scout cookies as the main ingredient. The winner was a bread pudding recipe made with Lemonades.
This event proved very successful for the troop. It provided an opportunity for girls to explore their faith and spirituality. Girls were able to network with community members and showcase their accomplishments and future goals. They were able to forge partnerships which have expanded the scope and focus of future service projects too.
Attached please find the YouTube Link to the Girl Scout Video created by the girls. https://youtu.be/YScbhJiYWm4
Troop 50761 Daisy and Junior’s made Birthdays in a box. Which included 1 homemade card, 1 birthday balloon, 1 box cake mix, candles, frosting, disposable cake pan, and can of pop. (Incase they dont have all the ingredients). They are giving them to the foster closet in our area. So the kids in foster care get a cake too!
Our Daisy’s picked out so many items to fit inside our Birthday Box that we need to make more Birthday Boxes. It was such a fun activity for us to contribute to this cause. Here is a picture of our girls and our completed Birthday Box. The extra items are on the table behind them. I will post the other boxes when completed. Thank you!
This is Troop 643 making Birthday Banners for the Confetti Foundation.
roop 40145 in Andover, KS met and made shopping lists for birthday bags. They had 10 required items (cake pan, cake mix, frosting, candles, birthday plates, napkins, cups, balloons, forks and a birthday bag that they had to pick out. They were then allowed to buy 5 extra things. They picked out a toy, party favors, etc. They got to decide the theme and all that fun stuff. They then packed all their stuff in the Birthday bag and we took them to the food bank for children that may be coming in to get food and have a birthday that month. The girls had a great time doing this project and they felt ownership over it since they did all the shopping by themselves (leaders were there but didn’t help them at all)
Our multi-level (D/J/C) Troop 7011 from El Centro, Ca made “birthday-in-a-bag” pouches that were delivered to a local receiving home for displaced/foster children. They included handmade birthday cards with inspirational quotes and heartfelt notes from “your Girl Scout friend.” They also talked about Juliette Low and what they thought the first GS meeting was probably like, discussed the different ways the GS Law and promise can be interpreted and played a game that encouraged communication, exercise and teamwork. They wrapped up the meeting with a special treat; birthday cake!
Daisy Troop 118049 collected items and donations to make 24 Birthday Bags for underprivileged families at a local Houston area assistance shelter. They even decorated the bags and made birthday cards!
We started off reading about Juilette & having the girls design their own cupcakes in her honor. Then the girls created 24 birthday cards for an elderly center within our community. So on their birthday each resident will get a special card from Daisy troop 66081.
Great job!
We made 106 birthday packages and donated to food bank.
Great job! Thanks for participating.
Troop 469 made 106 birthday packages and donated to local food bank on March 12.
Our troop is a first year troop, so we are small. We made birthday party in a bag for our local food bank. Our goal was twelve bags. We have 12 bags, but only 10 bags are in the picture because two of the girls missed the celebration due to family visitors. We put cake mix, icing, balloons, candles, cards, and small gifts in the bags. Then we had birthday cake and cookie cake. -Laura Pattillo, Troop Leader, Girl Scout Troop 5702, Valley, AL. (We are a troop of daisies and juniors.)
My Troop No. 4787, organized a collection from our entire Service Unit 606 on Thinking Day. Since this year’s theme was Impact, we collected 2 Birthday Bags from every troop for a total of 34 bags. Our tag line for the project was “Join us in making an IMPACT in a local child’s life!” These bags contained all the items needed for a family to celebrate a child’s birthday. Some items found in these bags were as follows: cake mix, pans, icing, candles, streamers, balloons, birthday presents, party hats, banners, etc. These bags were then delivered to a local food pantry that provides supplemental food for needy families. When a family comes in to pick up food & they have a child’s birthday coming up, they take a Birthday Bag as well. This enables them to be able to celebrate their child’s birthday in a festive manner.
Troop 106 celebrated the 106th Girl Scout Birthday by helping our Ms. Hazel celebrate her 96th birthday! VERY SPECIAL and her family was so very happy we celebrated with her :)
Troop 106 Mamou Louisiana, multi level troop
Brownie Troop 118031 from Houston, TX. The girls decided to make birthday banners for the Confetti Foundation. They we’re excited to help someone stuck in the hospital to celebrate their birthday.
Here’s a few shots of our troop assembling their bags!
Daisy Troop 718 from Iowa completed the Birthday Challenge at our meeting today! The girls each chose a cake mix and frosting from the grocery store to include in their birthday bags. Funfetti was the popular favorite! :) We discussed celebrating birthdays and how we can make them special for everyone in our community. They each made a card (gosh, the messages they came up with were SO sweet!) and decorated them with drawings and stickers. We had fun assembling our bags that included: a cake mix, a tub of frosting, a party hat, birthday candles, and our special birthday cards. We added some colorful tissue paper, a big clear bag, and the girls practiced tying beautiful bows on their bags. The conversation around the tables while they were creating their cards and stuffing their bags was neat to hear – they talked about WHY this is important “so all kids can have a birthday cake!” as well as what kind of cards they’d like to receive on their birthdays. The girls helped each other out with spelling words and finding just the right stickers and colors of markers for each other too. This was such a fun service project for our meeting that the girls could really DO themselves! This little bit of love can make a big difference right here in our own community.
Wildriver community made 102 birthdays in bag in honor of juliette Gordon lows birthday and we distributed to all our local school food pantries . My troop hosted and we had pizza party along with cupcakes . This is our second birthday in bags event we have hosted .
My TROOP number is 106… so we are totally on board!!!
Troop #2857of Kentucky put together birthday bags for our for the school’s pantry. Our school feeds 20 families from within the student body regularly and these birthday bags/boxes have everything in them for a little party they might not have been able to get otherwise. Bags included cake mix, frosting, sprinkles, cupcake holders, birthday card (for parents to fill) and birthday banner/balloons plates, napkins, and table covers and candles. We donated 22 bags!