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Earn a butterfly patch. Cadettes and Juniors Girl Scout Troop 2248 working at the local McDowell Nature Preserve to enhance a butterfly garden that needed lots of TLC to be revived. They began in December and will complete this Sunday by installing a sign my daughter was able to get donated from a local business. They have cleaned the area, laid a walkway with stone pavers, laid mulch, put up a fence to protect the pollinators and on Sunday they will have also raised butterflies from caterpillars (native to the area of course and locally harvested) with approval from the nature preserve. The signs they will post on Sunday one is informational about native pollinators the other is the butterfly highway sign. Also the weather is finally calm enough they will plant plants. In a little over a week the painted ladies will be released!!!

Ideas for More Junior* Badges

Girl Scouts enhancing a butterfly garden.

Troop 2248 working at the local McDowell Nature Preserve to enhance a butterfly garden that needed lots of TLC to be revived.

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