What’s New at MakingFriends.com?
Recent Ideas, Activities and Blogs
PrintGirl Scout Christmas ornament craft Coffee Filter Angel…
PrintGingerbread Daisy Friendship holiday Ornament craft for Girl Scouts…
PrintThanksgiving Parade Scavenger Hunt for Girl Scouts…
PrintA Patriotic craft. Directions available at FreeKidsCrafts.com, a member of the MakingFriends®.com family.…
PrintA Year of Junior Girl Scout Activity Ideas…
PrintA Year of Brownie Girl Scout activity ideas…
PrintThere are big changes in store for MakingFriends.com!
Daisy Troop 74909 of Davenport Florida learns…
PrintMulti-level (D/J/C) Troop 7011 from El Centro, CA celebrating Girl Scout week.
Depending on where…
Find out about these amazing “Real Women” while earning badges.
Find out about these amazing…
PrintMakingFriends® is proud to announce the Winners for Our Gold Award Grant Program.
We received…
What the heck is this thing?
Can you tell now?
You’ve all probably heard that kids…
PrintMakingFriends®.com has gathered ideas and offers products that will make it fun and easy…
If you’re finding it harder to keep the girls interested in virtual meetings you’re…
Use our Paper Doll Friends to teach new girls about Frontier Girls and their…
I came here looking for patch requirements for a cooking/ baking patch for my daughter who is a Daisy Scout because they do not offer ANY at her level ridiculousness really.