Mini Tea Pins for Swapping

You need:
- Blue plastic Bottle cap
- Foamie Circles
- Miniature Silverware (forks and knives can be put in the “tea” to look like spoons to make better use of your miniature silverware)
- Safety Pins
- Craft Wire
- Scrap of Paper
- Brown Acrylic Paint
- Low Temp Hot Glue Gun
- Fine Permanent Marker
Squirt brown acrylic paint into the bottle cap. Cut and fold a tiny tea bag using scrap paper. Cut a 1-1/4″ piece of wire. Glue inside the tea bag. Bend wire and poke the other end into the “tea”. Let dry overnight. Write your name, age, troop, city and state on a foamie circle. Glue cup of tea to other side. Glue on a spoon. (If you are out of spoons, knives or forks may be placed inside the cup of tea so only the handle sticks out.) Add a pin.