Social Butterfly Virtual Workshop for Juniors — For Troops
Girls will learn about table manners, phone manners, how to start conversations and more!
Book a workshop for your troop of up to 18 now!
Paper Making Virtual Workshop — For Troops
Wow! learn how to make paper without a blender!
A great way to celebrate Earth Day.
*The Paper Making Kit is required for this workshop and can be shared by registrants.
Book a workshop for your troop of up to 18 now!
Make the World a Better Place Virtual Workshop for Daisies — For Troops
Superheroes know how to save the world and still have fun! Our Superheroes Jackie and Seraphina will show you how! You’ll even get to learn a cheer!
Book a workshop for your troop of up to 18 now!
Pets Virtual Badge Workshop (Ages 7-9) — For Troops
Part of our “Real Woman” Series!
Animals can’t speak for themselves, so it’s important to know how to properly take care of them. When people aren’t taking care of their pets, the ASPCA gets called in to find them new homes. They organize the people, the supplies and the shelter to make it as comfortable as possible for the animals while they are waiting for new homes.
Spotlight is on Michele Lago
Operations Manager of Animal Relocation for the ASPCAMichele also fosters kittens until they are ready for their fur-ever home.
Michele and her kittens will be available at the end of the workshop to answer your questions about working for the ASPCA and kitten fostering.
10% of the proceeds for this workshop will be donated to help fund Michele’s kitten fostering.
See Michele’s wish list on Amazon.Book a workshop for your troop of up to 18 now!
Daisy Petal Easter Workshop – My Dollie & Me — For Troops
Special Easter Event for Daisies and Their Favorite Doll.
Earn 3 petals – Respect Myself and Others, Friendly and Helpful, Honest and Fair
Book a workshop for your troop of up to 18 now!
The Science of Happiness Workshop (Girls 11& Up) — For Troops
Part of our “Real Woman” Series!
You might think that happiness is created by having good things happen to you. But it’s really about managing how you think and feel about yourself and your life.
Your girls will start feeling better about themselves and their lives by learning a few simple practices they can start right away.
Spotlight is on Terry Ludwig, Certified Transformation Coach
10% of the proceeds for this workshop will be donated to women and girls in crisis.
Terry will be available at the end of the workshop to answer questions. She is not only a life coach she is a yoga instructor and teaches A Course in Miracles Principals. She helps women, of all ages, choose happiness to create the life they love.You can reach Terry at terryjoludwig.com
or facebook.com/terryjoludwigBook a workshop for your troop of up to 18 now!
Sign Language Workshop for Daisies and Brownies – For Troops
Learn American Sign Language with fun and games!
Book a workshop for your troop of up to 18 now!
Sign Language Workshop for Juniors & Up – For Troops
Have some fun while you learn the basics of American Sign Language.
Book a workshop for your troop of up to 18 now!
Book Artist Workshop for Cadettes – For Troops
The perfect blend of pre-cut pieces for easy success and open-ended projects so the girls can make each book in her own style! No tools will be needed.
Book a workshop for your troop of up to 18 now!