Original price was: $0.99.$0.75Current price is: $0.75.
MLK Service Project Patch
Your troop can honor Dr Martin Luther King, Jr. with a service project.
Discuss ways to honor Martin Luther King, Jr. while the girls complete this free coloring page from FreeKidsCrafts.com.
Original price was: $0.99.$0.69Current price is: $0.69.
Toy Drive Patch-Square
Participating in Toys for Tots or another toy drive will make your girls feel good about giving for the holidays.
Original price was: $0.99.$0.75Current price is: $0.75.
Tree Decorating Patch
Have a tree decorating contest or decorate one for fun or service for the holidays. Remember the fun had by all with this cute Tree Decorating patch from MakingFriends®.com.
Original price was: $0.99.$0.69Current price is: $0.69.
Coat Drive Patch — Oval
After your troop hosts, or participates in, a coat drive to help those in need in your community, the Coat Drive Patch from MakingFriends®.com is a perfect way for your scouts to remember their community service project.
Original price was: $0.99.$0.75Current price is: $0.75.
Cards for Our Military Patch
Making cards for the military for the holidays is a great community service activity for scouts of all ages. The Cards for Our Military patch from MakingFriends®.com is a great way to show your troop cares about our troops.
Original price was: $0.99.$0.75Current price is: $0.75.
Tree Decorating Patch Snowflake
Scouts will love this festive Tree Decorating patch from MakingFriends®.com after they finish decorating a tree for community service, a holiday contest or just for fun.
Original price was: $0.99.$0.69Current price is: $0.69.
Letters for the Military Patch
Send letters to the military this holiday season or any time of year and give your girls this patch from MakingFriends®.com as a reminder of the time they spent thinking about those who protect and serve us.
Original price was: $0.99.$0.69Current price is: $0.69.
Socks For the Homeless Service Patch
Socks are the most requested clothing item by the homeless. Remember your clothing collection volunteer project with our Socks for the Homeless service patch!
Original price was: $0.99.$0.75Current price is: $0.75.
Wreath Making Patch
A fun way for your troop to celebrate the season is making wreaths. It’s a great craft project to make as gifts for their family, for community service or as a fund raiser.
Of course they will want this bright and cheery patch from MakingFriends®.com to remember their creations during the holiday season.
Original price was: $0.99.$0.75Current price is: $0.75.
Ornament Patch–Balls
Brighten up your troop’s holiday with a fun craft project and this great patch from MakingFriends®.com. Your scouts can create hand made ornaments for their families and for service! Host an ornament making event with your local seniors, veterans, hospital or other charity or make them ahead of time and bring along when they go visit. Of course this also just makes for a fun activity during your troop or service unit holiday celebration. Hand made ornaments also make a great fundraiser.
Original price was: $0.99.$0.69Current price is: $0.69.
Caroling for Cans Patch
While your girls are out having fun caroling for the holidays, why not take the opportunity to help out the community as well. Your girls can send out flyers or other notice before they go caroling or bring signs and ask for donations as you go. Don’t forget to bring a wagon for all the cans they collect.
Original price was: $0.99.$0.75Current price is: $0.75.
Angel Tree Patch
Angel trees and giving trees are a great holiday community service activity for your troop. Check with your local church, shelter, hospital or veteran’s home to see if they have or would like an angel tree your troop can help with. Don’t forget a patch to help your scouts remember the spirit of giving all year long!
Military Care Packages Patch Program®
Preparing care packages for the military is a great community service project for girls. Remember the work they put into this project with our patch!
Original price was: $0.99.$0.75Current price is: $0.75.
Toy Drive Patch
This is the perfect patch for Toys for Tots holiday toy drive or any other toy drive your troop participates in.
Coat Drive Service Patch
“Coat Drive” Service Patch acknowledges your group’s participation in helping the needy by organizing or participating in a Coat Drive in your area.
Original price was: $0.99.$0.75Current price is: $0.75.
Caroling Snowflake Patch
Iron on! 2″ embroidered patch. Our “Caroling” Patch strikes a note that you have helped spread holiday cheer. Especially appropriate when your group has visited a nursing home, giving the residents something to smile about during the holiday season.
Original price was: $0.99.$0.75Current price is: $0.75.
Caroling Penguins Patch
Seniors will especially love to hear their old Christmas favorites. This patch will remind the girls about the fun they had spreading cheer for the holiday season.
Original price was: $0.99.$0.69Current price is: $0.69.
Cards for the Military Patch
Send cards to military this holiday season and give your girls our patch as a reminder on the time they spent thinking about those who protect and serve us.
Original price was: $0.99.$0.75Current price is: $0.75.
Card Making Patch
Our red, white and blue Card Making patch is a great way to remember their community service project making cards for Veteran’s Day, Memorial Day or Police Appreciation Day.