Original price was: $0.99.$0.75Current price is: $0.75.
Valentine Card Making Patch
Make Valentines for friends, family, military or seniors and give your girl this cute card making patch to add to their vest or sash.
Original price was: $0.99.$0.75Current price is: $0.75.
Caroling Snowflake Patch
Iron on! 2″ embroidered patch. Our “Caroling” Patch strikes a note that you have helped spread holiday cheer. Especially appropriate when your group has visited a nursing home, giving the residents something to smile about during the holiday season.
Original price was: $0.99.$0.75Current price is: $0.75.
Ornament Making Patch
Iron on! 2″ Embroidered patch. Get your troop together to make ornaments for the holiday. Make sure to donate some to your local shelter or nursing home!
Original price was: $0.99.$0.75Current price is: $0.75.
Valentine Patch
The Valentine patch from MakingFriends®.com is a great way to celebrate Valentine’s Day!
Military Care Packages Patch Program®
Preparing care packages for the military is a great community service project for girls. Remember the work they put into this project with our patch!
Original price was: $0.99.$0.75Current price is: $0.75.
Winter Patch
The winter patch from MakingFriends®.com is a great way to remember all the fun your group had during the winter!
A cute patch for a winter themed holiday celebration
Original price was: $0.99.$0.75Current price is: $0.75.
Ornament Patch–Balls
Brighten up your troop’s holiday with a fun craft project and this great patch from MakingFriends®.com. Your scouts can create hand made ornaments for their families and for service! Host an ornament making event with your local seniors, veterans, hospital or other charity or make them ahead of time and bring along when they go visit. Of course this also just makes for a fun activity during your troop or service unit holiday celebration. Hand made ornaments also make a great fundraiser.
Sledding Patch
Get outside with your troop and enjoy some sledding fun! Bring along some hot chocolate and have a fun snow day with your scouts. Remember the fun with the bright and cheery Sledding patch from MakingFriends®.com.
Original price was: $0.99.$0.75Current price is: $0.75.
Holiday Crafts Patch
Make cards, gifts, or ornaments this holiday season and hand out this patch for your girls’ vests.
Original price was: $0.99.$0.75Current price is: $0.75.
Secret Sister Patch
Secret sisters can be a year long way to help girls connect or a one time holiday gift exchange.
One way to build sisterhood in the troop is to have girls draw names a the beginning of the year and be a secret sister to that girl. Your girls may have some great ideas about how to put the idea into practice but you can suggest that the girls discreetly try to learn about their secret sister throughout the year. They can practice small acts of kindness towards that girl, choose to sit near them for activities occasionally, complimenting them. Of course if they want to remain a secret sister until the end of the year, they would have to be subtle and treat everyone kindly. At the end of the year everyone can try to guess who their secret sister.
Secret sister gifts can be home made gifts or an inexpensive gift chosen for their secret sister after spending a year getting to know them.
For a one time secret sister gift exchange, themed gifts usually work best. Help your girls pick a theme for their secret sister gift exchange. Books, fun socks, stuffed animals, ornaments, fidget toys and spa gifts make great themes.
Original price was: $0.99.$0.75Current price is: $0.75.
Valentine’s Day Patch (Dove)
The Valentine patch is a great way to celebrate Valentine’s Day!
Original price was: $0.99.$0.69Current price is: $0.69.
Trivia Fun Patch
Learning is more fun with trivia! Try Kahoot! and give out our trivia fun patch!