Original price was: $0.99.$0.69Current price is: $0.69.
Autism Awareness Patch
Just like each person is unique, each person with autism is also unique. Help your troop to understand that those with autism might communicate in different ways. They have special gifts and talents just like each of the members of their troop. Remind them that kids with autism like birthdays, playing and having friends. Someone with autism might need extra compassion and more people to take the time be their friend. Reach out to your local Autism Society chapter to see if you can arrange for a guest speaker, video or literature to help your troop learn more. The Autism Awareness patch from MakingFriends®.com makes a great addition to any scout uniform and might even give your scouts an opening to share what they’ve learned with others.
Original price was: $0.99.$0.69Current price is: $0.69.
Pop Tab Collection Patch
Pop tabs can be collected to donate to a charitable organization that cashes them in to help their cause. Your scouts might be collecting them to help their own troop earn additional funds. Either way, thank your scouts for participating in your efforts with the Pop Tab Collection patch.
Original price was: $0.99.$0.69Current price is: $0.69.
Spaghetti Dinner Patch
There are so many reasons for your girls to prepare a spaghetti dinner together. Some might decide it’s a great way to fulfill a badge requirement. Other troops might want to reach out to a soup kitchen or shelter to ask if they could prepare a spaghetti dinner for those in need. Many troops participate in meal trains for a sister scout family or community member who needs their support for a while. Spaghetti dinners make a great fundraiser too. Of course sometimes the girls just want to enjoy a meal together just for fun. When serving food to the public remember to check your council regarding the food safety guidelines they require. And of course, you’ll want to remember the patch! The Spaghetti Dinner patch from MakingFriends®.com will make a great reminder of your fun or service.
Original price was: $0.99.$0.69Current price is: $0.69.
Pasta Derby Patch Program®
Make STEM fun for your girls with a Pasta Derby! Uncooked pasta and hot glue are all the supplies they need to make cars they can really race downhill. They won’t even know they are learning about engineering because they’ll be having so much fun.
Little Library Patch
Little libraries are showing up all over! Contact your local school, museum, park or other public place to see if they will allow your scouts to add a little library where people can borrow and leave books. It’s a good idea to choose a location the scouts will be able to check from time to time in case your library is needs refilling and the structure remains sturdy. Reward their hard work with this special Little Library patch.
Original price was: $0.99.$0.69Current price is: $0.69.
Adopt a Grandparent Patch
Your girls can go beyond a visit to a nursing home, assisted living or veteran’s facility. Help them get more involved by adopting a grandparent. Schedule regular troop visits or write letters so the girls can connect. Plan a few activities. Perhaps a movie or game night will be fun for all. A patch reminds them that they made a connection!
Original price was: $0.99.$0.69Current price is: $0.69.
Babysitting Patch
Help your troop prepare for babysitting! They should know basic first aid and emergency preparedness skills to keep those they are caring for safe. Help them come up with age appropriate activities for the little ones in their care.
Let your girls show off they are prepared for babysitting with a patch from MakingFriends®.com.
Your girls can look for ideas to host a holiday babysitting event in your area on our page Christmas and Winter Ideas for Scouts.
Original price was: $0.99.$0.69Current price is: $0.69.
United Kingdom Patch-Clearance
United Kingdom patch makes a great addition to your girls’ patch collection if they chose to explore the regions of the United Kingdom. United Kingdom includes 4 countries. England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales share a common Girl Guide promise and are members of WAGGGS as United Kingdom.
*This item is not eligible for return/refund**MakingFriends®.com is not affiliated with, endorsed by or a licensee of Girl Scouts of the USA.