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Category Archives: Daisies

A Daisy* from Troop 52905 of Pennsylvania being courageous and strong will learning about wildlife on a camping trip.

Earning the Courageous and Strong Petal

Ideas for earning the red Courageous and Strong Petal.…

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Daisy Make the World a Better Place Petal

Gather several activities to keep your Girl Scout Daisy troop busy as they earn their light pink petal and…

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Daisy Considerate and Caring Petal

As they earn the spring green petal, teach Girl Scout Daisies that being a good listener is considerate and…

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Daisy Violet Petal: Be A Sister

One fun and creative way to be a sister is to make SWAPS to share with other troops while…

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Respect Authority Petal

Role playing and making thank you cards are just a couple of ways Girl Scout Daisies can learn to…

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Daisy Law Bracelet

A colorful bracelet is a clever way to introduce the Girl Scout Law to Daisies and help earn the…

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International Food Recipes

Kid-friendly recipes for tasting international food for your Thinking Day* or International event…

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International Costumes

Make terrific Thinking Day* costumes without even sewing a stitch for your next International celebration.…

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International Pins for Swapping

Pins for swapping ideas and kits represent the country of your choice with mini postcards, flags, faux food items,…

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