Original price was: $0.99.$0.69Current price is: $0.69.
Rainy Day Camping Patch
It rained during your camping trip but your girls had a great time anyway! Show your girls can have fun even when the weather doesn’t co-operate with the Rainy Day Camping patch.
Original price was: $0.99.$0.49Current price is: $0.49.
Prom Dress Collection Patch-Clearance
Every girl wants a nice dress for their prom or formal. But not every family can afford the expense. Your troop can make a difference for the girls in your community by participating in or hosting a prom dress collection. If there is not already one in your community, getting an annual event started would make a great take action project for JOURNEYS* like Bliss* and Mission Sisterhood*. This patch from MakingFriends®.com is a great reminder of your troop’s service project.
*This item is not eligible for return/refund*
Original price was: $0.99.$0.75Current price is: $0.75.
Machine Sewing Patch
Your girls will appreciate learning how to use a sewing machine. While it’s a great skill for anyone to have, learning to sew on a machine can also help with future badge work. The Junior Independence* and Senior Room Makeover* and Science of Style* badges all have activities for which knowing how to use a sewing machine could be a great help. If you don’t have a machine or the skills, check with your local sewing or craft shop to see if they offer a trip. Ask around in your community too. There may be seamstresses or tailors who would love to be a guest at your troop meeting or event to share their skills.
Original price was: $0.99.$0.69Current price is: $0.69.
Horseback Riding Patch
If your girls enjoy the outdoors they will probably have a great time with a trip to ride horses. Don’t forget to our Horseback Riding patch!
Healthy Cooking Patch
Help your girls review their favorite recipes and make adjustments for a healthier diet. Some culinary schools and restaurants offer trips where your girls can learn about cooking healthy. The Healthy Cooking patch from MakingFriends®.com shows your girls have learned to make better choices by preparing healthy meals.
March is National Nutrition Month.
Original price was: $0.99.$0.69Current price is: $0.69.
Forensics Patch
If your girls like to figure out ‘whodunit’ then they will love learning about forensic science. Host a mystery party game or help your girls get into the science of investigation by learning how to compare fingerprints, handwriting and more. The Forensics patch shows that your girls love solving a mystery.
Girls that earned the Cadette Special Agent Badge can use what they learned to host an event for younger girls.
*MakingFriends®.com. is not affiliated with, endorsed by or a licensee of Girl Scouts of the USA.
Original price was: $21.99.$20.99Current price is: $20.99.
Lantern Friendship Swap Kit – Limited Supply
How much fun is this? An actual working lantern craft with an on off switch.
Kit makes 24
Original price was: $8.99.$7.99Current price is: $7.99.
GS* is Out of this World Friendship Swap Kit – LIMITED SUPPLY !
These cute crafts for swapping will make you chuckle. Perfect for troops doing S.T.E.M events or badges.
Kit makes 24
*MakingFriends®.com is not affiliated with, endorsed by or a licensee of Girl Scouts of the USA.
Original price was: $9.99.$8.99Current price is: $8.99.
Ant Maze Science Friendship Swap Kit – LIMITED SUPPLY !
This kit features 10 different mazes (3 of each) so your friends can have some fun while swapping with you.
Kit makes 30
Original price was: $13.99.$12.99Current price is: $12.99.
Gear Up with GS Friendship Swap Kit – LIMITED SUPPLY !
These are great crafts for recruitment or a S.T.E.M. event.
Kit makes 24
Original price was: $10.99.$9.99Current price is: $9.99.
Fingerprint S.T.E.M. Friendship Swap Kit
This forensic craft for swapping is perfect for scouts working on S.T.E.M. badges.
Kit makes 48
Original price was: $0.99.$0.75Current price is: $0.75.
I Love SWAPs* Patch (Heart) LIMITED SUPPLY!
New to SWAPs* or need inspiration? Take a look at our page SWAPs: Share With A Pal. Whether you have one event dedicated to making and trading crafts or include time at a service unit or council event for girls to trade, your girls will have so much fun trading these cute keepsakes and meeting new girls. Be sure to make extra to trade online at FriendshipSwaps.com.
Making a variety of SWAPs to have ready for service unit and council events can be a fun meeting. Bring left over crafts supplies to the meeting so the girls can get creative.
Of course they’ll want a patch to show how much they love SWAPs*!
*MakingFriends®.com is not affiliated with, endorsed by or a licensee of Girl Scouts of the USA.