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Locavore Badge Download for Seniors

Product Number: MF-010049

Part of our  “Real Woman” Series!


Farm fresh foods have more nutrients and less contaminants such as harmful fertilizer and pollutants. And, it tastes better! Locavores know this so they conscientiously source out foods that are farmed locally.


Girl Scout Locavore BadgeSpotlight is on Samantha Foxx
Founder of Mother’s Finest Urban Farm


Known as Farm Mother, Samantha is a master beekeeper. She manages over 7 acres of land including a 2.5 acre urban farm, runs a farmers market and produces homeopathic herbal remedies.


10% of the proceeds for this download go to Save the Bees, Safe Seeds.


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Individual Troop License: Purchase one download for your troop and print as many copies as you need for your girls. The download is for your troop’s use only. For this reason, we limit the number of times you can access this download to two times and it will expire 90 days after purchase.

Service Unit License: Purchase one download for your service unit and share with all your leaders. This license is not limited and does not expire.

Council License: Purchase one download for your council and share with all your leaders. This license is not limited and does not expire. Free revisions and upgrades included.

As a leader, we know you will be “honest and fair”. Receiving fair payment allows us to continue to develop more program options for you and your troop. Your honesty is appreciated.


  • Find out about Samantha and her Bees.
  • Explore the pros and cons of eating locally sourced food and solve a crossword puzzle.
  • Find out what food is available locally in your area.
  • Find out how Samantha distributes her food and learn what a CSA is.
  • Make a dish with local ingredients, and the same dish with supermarket ingredients.
  • Do a taste test.
  • Change up a family recipe with local ingredients.
  • Examine the cost difference to be a locavore.

Supplies Needed:

  • Pen or pencil
  • Official Girl Scout Badge
  • Favorite Family Recipe
  • Ingredients:
    1 T honey from the supermarket
    1 T honey from a local beekeeper
    1 T extra virgin olive oil
    2 lb. any combination of small red potatoes or carrots from the supermarket
    1/4 cup sweet onion (optional)
    thyme, oregano, ground pepper
    If possible also 2 lb. any combination of small red potatoes or carrots from a local farmer


Additional information

Weight .5 lbs
Dimensions 1 × 1 × 1 in

Troop License, Service Unit License (+$10.00), Council License (+$485.00)

3 reviews for "Locavore Badge Download for Seniors"

  1. Rated 5 out of 5


  2. Rated 5 out of 5


    Haven’t use this yet the pages make the badge easy to learn and the puzzle makes it interesting & fun for high schoolers

  3. Rated 5 out of 5


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