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Bridging 2025 Fun Patch

Product Number: MF-5038

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2″ iron-on embroidered patch.

Here are some suggestions for your girls to plan their Bridging Ceremony and earn the Bridging 2025 Patch

  1. Opening Ceremony: Begin the ceremony with a flag ceremony, reciting the Girl Scout Promise, and singing a Girl Scout song.
  2. Candle Lighting: Use candles to symbolize the parts of the Girl Scout Law. Each girl can light her candle from a central flame, or turn on their battery operated candle, and read one line of the law.
  3. Court of Awards: Have the girls talk about their accomplishments since the girls prior court of awards and present their final badges and patches for the current level.
  4. Involving Older Scouts: Traditionally older Girl Scouts participate to help the girls bridge during their ceremony. Ask the girls if they have a Junior or older troop they would like to include in their ceremony.
  5. Bridging: There are several different types of bridging ceremonies the girls can choose from. You can find some suggestions in the Ceremonies category of our blog page.
  6. Closing Song: Teach the girls a new Girl Scout song that they can perform together as a group to close their ceremony. Encourage participation and enthusiasm.
  7. Refreshments: Your girls may want to plan a meal, snacks or a cake. What kind of drinks would they like served, coffee and tea, water, juice or punch are common.
  8. Invitations: Now that they’ve planned their ceremony, they need to decide who to invite and make invitations.

Remember to tailor the ceremony to fit your specific troop’s needs and preferences. Adapt and customize these ideas to create a meaningful and memorable rededication ceremony for your Girl Scout troop.



Additional information

Weight .02 lbs
Dimensions 1 × 1 × 1 in
Item Number



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