Original price was: $0.99.$0.69Current price is: $0.69.
Tee Shirt Patch
Have a ball decorating tee shirts! Make one for yourself, sports games, gifts and much more. This patch will remind them of the shirts they made.
Teddy Bear Tea Patch-Limited Supply
You’ve been to Build A Bear and now it’s time to have a party.
New troop looking to recruit more members? A Teddy Bear Tea makes a great bring a friend event.
Have your group bring bears of all kinds and include a “Teddy Bear Tea” Patch from MakingFriends®.com to the festivities!
Original price was: $0.99.$0.49Current price is: $0.49.
Taught Outdoor Skills Patch-Clearance
Learning new outdoor skills can be very fun and rewarding for everyone!
Original price was: $0.99.$0.69Current price is: $0.69.
Talent Show Patch
Each of your girls has a special talent. Give them each a chance to show it off and give our talent show patch as an award.
Original price was: $0.99.$0.69Current price is: $0.69.
Switzerland Patch-Clearance
Make the Switzerland patch part of a fun study of Switerzland’s culture including the Alps, yodeling, mountain climbing, Swiss cheese and neutrality. The patch will be a fun memento.
*This item is not eligible for return/refund**MakingFriends®.com is not affiliated with, endorsed by or a licensee of Girl Scouts of the USA.
Original price was: $0.99.$0.69Current price is: $0.69.
SWAP* Hat Patch Program®
GSUSA® feels that this product was infringing on their intellectual property. In response, we are discontinuing this product. Supplies are limited.
Original price was: $0.99.$0.49Current price is: $0.49.
Supermarket Tour Patch-Clearance
This supermarket patch is great for your Daisy* Troop when they learn about nutrition during a local supermarket tour.
Original price was: $0.99.$0.69Current price is: $0.69.
Stuff-a-Friend Patch
A trip to Build A Bear is always fun and the “Stuff-a-Friend” Patch can be a memento of that adventure.
Original price was: $0.99.$0.69Current price is: $0.69.
Stranger Danger Patch
Get your troop ready for an unexpected encounter with a stranger. Our Stranger Danger patch is a great way to remind them of the importance of what they have learned to protect themselves.
Original price was: $0.99.$0.69Current price is: $0.69.
St. Patricks Day Patch
Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day with this bright and cheery patch from MakingFriends®.com.
Find fun ideas for your celebration on our page St Patrick’s Day.
Original price was: $0.99.$0.69Current price is: $0.69.
St. Patrick’s Day Parade Patch
Whether your group is marching in the St. Patrick’s day parade or just watching it, they will remember the fun with the St. Patrick’s Day parade patch.