Original price was: $0.99.$0.75Current price is: $0.75.
Ugly Sweater Fun Patch-Blue
Who’s got the ugliest sweater at your holiday celebration this year?
Original price was: $0.99.$0.75Current price is: $0.75.
Yeah, I Shoot Like a Girl Archery Patch
Empower your girls with our Shoot Like a Girl archery patch. Want a Lesson?
Original price was: $0.99.$0.69Current price is: $0.69.
Soccer Patch
Your scouts don’t need to be on a team to learn the basic rules and skills for a fun soccer game. Check with a coach or player from your local high school soccer team to teach your troop the basics and maybe even to be the referee in a friendly game with another troop. Your scouts will have fun while getting some exercise and practicing good sportsmanship skills.
The Soccer Patch from MakingFriends®.com is perfect for scouts of any age.
Original price was: $0.99.$0.69Current price is: $0.69.
50 State SWAP Fun Patch
What are you swapping? Postcards? Cookies? Swaps? This patch is perfect. 100% embroidered!
Original price was: $0.99.$0.75Current price is: $0.75.
Archery Patch-Blue
Give your girls a chance to earn the Archery patch! Check with your council or community for indoor and outdoor archery opportunities with a certified USA Archery instructor. Include archery in the plans while camping or take a trip with your troop or service unit. Of course you’ll want to follow council safety-wise and make sure the proper equipment for the age groups attending is available.
Original price was: $0.99.$0.75Current price is: $0.75.
I Kick Like a Girl Soccer Patch
Empower your girls with our Kick Like a Girl soccer patch. Wanna Play?
Original price was: $0.99.$0.69Current price is: $0.69.
Nature Challenge Fun Patch
Challenge your troop to find items in nature to earn this fun patch.
There’s no need to go on a hike in the woods to find nature.
Help your girls understand that nature is all around us. Even in cities birds, squirrels, butterflies and ants can be easy to find.
Your troop can complete this challenge by identifying the kinds of wildlife and plants in their own neighborhood.
At your troop meeting you can ask the girls to make a list of the wild animals, birds and insects they see in their neighborhood between now and their next troop meeting.
Ask them to also look for wild plants growing in their neighborhood (weeds, moss and mushrooms count).
Original price was: $0.99.$0.69Current price is: $0.69.
Geocaching Patch
Participants use a GPS receiver or mobile phone to hide and seek containers, called geocaches or caches, at specific locations marked by coordinates all over the world.
Original price was: $0.99.$0.75Current price is: $0.75.
I Know I Shoot Like a Girl BB Gun Patch
Empower your girls with our Shoot Like a Girl BB Gun patch. Try to Keep Up
Original price was: $0.99.$0.69Current price is: $0.69.
Zoo Scavenger Hunt Patch
What fun! Make a list of any animals your troop wants to see or use the free scavenger hunt list from FreeKidsCrafts. How many can your girls find?