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Pocket Dream Catcher

swap_dreamcatcher.gif (8169 bytes)Pocket Dream Catcher
Submitted by Kari Carpenter,  Leader of Brownie Troop 1263, OhioYou Need:
  • Tacky Glue
  • 1-1/4″ Key Ring
    (or you can use the plastic rings from soda bottle tops)
  • Assorted Pony Beads
  • Embroidery Floss or Yarn
  • Safety Pin
  • Scissors

Instructions:Dream Catcher Diagram

  1. Cut a 6 yard piece of yarn or floss. Slip one end in the split of the
    ring to hold in place. Wrap the lacing around the metal ring. Glue the end to the lacing
    where they meet.
  2. Roll a 1 yard piece yarn or floss loosely into a ball. Knot one end
    of yarn around the metal ring then seal the knot with glue. Tie approximately four half
    hitches around the ring. Pinch each completed knot as you begin the next. Add a half hitch
    next to the knot where you began. Then begin tying half hitches in the middle of the cord
    you already added. Double knot the cord in the center of the webbing then seal knot with
    glue. Cut off excess cord.
  3. Cut a 4” length of yarn. Knot ends together and insert one end
    of loop through metal ring at the top. Draw knot through loop and pull tight. Add a pin.
  4. Cut three 4″ pieces of yarn. Fold each piece in half and tie to
    ring bottom using a half hitch. Lace a pony bead through both ends and knot in place. Cut
    off excess.

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