Daisy Flower Friendship Bracelet
You need:
- 2′ of Rat-tail Satin Cord
- 4 Green Pony Beads
- 6 White Pony Beads
- 1 Yellow Pony Bead
- Tacky Glue
1. Coat ends of cord with glue. Let dry. String 6 white pony beads (shown as yellow) and slide to center of cord.
2. Loop cord around and feed through bead 1 again. Tighten.
3. String 1 yellow pony bead (shown as orange) and position it in the center of the flower. Feed cord back through bead 4 as shown. Tighten.
4. Tie a knot on both sides of daisy. String a green bead on to each side and tie another knot to hold bead in place.
5. Repeat step four, knotting 2″ from first knot. Trim to size. Bracelet ties on to wrist.