Leading your troop just got easier.

Earn an ice cream party patch. Brownie troop 9095 celebrated Girl Scout week with an ice cream party.

Celebrations, Parties and Events

Brownie Ice Cream Party during Girl Scout week.

Because Girls Just Want to Have Fun!

Girls often celebrate holidays during their troop meetings with parties, crafts and games and participating in parades has become a don’t-miss opportunity to recognize special days during the year.

There are four official scout holidays:

  • World Thinking Day*, Feb 22nd, a special day for girls from around the world to “think” of each other often celebrated with a big event.
  • Scout Birthday, March 12th, celebrates the anniversary of the first troop meeting and includes Scout Sunday* and Scout Sabbath*
  • Leader Appreciation Day, April 22nd, an opportunity to show appreciation to leaders and other volunteers for their dedication to their troop or service unit.
  • Founder’s Day, October 31st, Juliette Gordon Low’s birthday, founder of scouts in the USA.

New girls and troops celebrating Founder’s Day or Scout Birthday will want to learn about Juliette Gordon Low, the founder of scouts in the United States of America.

Never miss an opportunity to have fun with your girls. Every day is a good day to have have fun!

Help your scouts remember important dates with our free printable calendar. Important scout dates are already labelled in green.

We have ideas, kits and crafts for all of your troop and service unit celebrations. We also have many different patches available for your celebrations and events, some are shown on this page. Look at our patches for this year using our product search.

Remember to check the product search for our year-specific patches!

Fun Fact: There are almost 2 million registered scouts.

Scout Birthday and Founder's Day

World Thinking Day

Leader Appreciation Day

Ceremonies and Award Celebrations


Fall Holidays

Winter Holidays

Spring Holidays

Summer Holidays

*MakingFriends®.com is not affiliated with, endorsed by or a licensee of Girl Scouts of the USA

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