There is always so much to do around the holiday season that trying to plan your December Girl Scout meetings can be super stressful. We’ve got you covered. Here are some ideas to make it easy for you and fun for the girls.
And, of course, there’s a fun patch for each activity right here so you don’t have to scour the internet looking for the perfect patch.
Let’s Start with Giving
The holidays can be a difficult time for those separated from their families or those without families. Get out your craft box and ask the girls to make cards or letters during a December Girl Scout meeting.

Operation Gratitude
Where and what to send to those in the military.

Mail for Seniors
Patch Program®
Includes ideas for all levels to earn the patch.

Cards for Kids
Patch Program®
Learn what you should and shouldn’t do when writing to sick children.
Take it a step further
Small handmade gifts can really brighten someone’s day especially if they are lonely or in need. Make a December Girl Scout meeting be for a simple service project.
Crafting for Service
Patch Program®
Includes a video for teaching young girls empathy for those those fortunate.
Sewing for Service
Patch Program®
Includes ideas for beginners and intermediate sewers and where to donate your items.
Military Care Packages
Patch Program®
Includes ideas for all ages including how to specifically give to women in the military.
Hats for the Homeless
Patch Program®
Find out how you can make 7 hats from 1 yard of fleece and where to donate them.
Take the time to visit
Nothing makes seniors — and others! — happier then a visit from a Girl Scout troop. There are plenty of opportunities in your area.
Singing for Seniors
Patch Program®
Includes ideas for both younger and older Girl Scouts to earn this patch.
Caroling Patch
Enjoy the holiday with your girls by caroling and don’t forget the hot chocolate when you are done.
Caroling for Cans
Have your troop collect items for the food panty when they carol.
It wouldn’t seem like December without the gift giving.
It’s not supposed to be about the gifts but showing your girls the joy of giving is very rewarding.
Angel Tree
Many churches have a tree for a family in need. Choose an item off the tree for your troop to donate.
Shoe Box Donation
Make a shoe box donation to Operation Christmas Child or Operation Gratitude
Toy Drive
Contribute to Toys for Tots or another toy donation drive.
Fill a Stocking
Fill stockings for pets, the military, nursing homes or anyone who may not have a home doing the holiday.
Ideas for Exchanging Gifts in Your Girl Scout Troop
Ornament Exchange
Decide if you will make ornaments or set a price limit on store bought and do a grab bag.
Secret Sister
Pick names ahead of your holiday party and have your girls buy a small gift for that person.
Secret Santa
Why not exchange hand made gifts or other small items.
Sock Exchange
Super fun and easy, do a grab bag for a pair of stocks!
Lets have some holiday fun!
Don’t get to overwhelmed! Sometimes just spending some time together is the best way to destress.
Ugly Sweater Fun
Who has the ugliest sweater at your holiday party.
Holiday Parade
And the local Christmas parade in your town.
Holiday Lights
Go on a neighborhood light tour or celebrate a tree lighting.
Your Girls May Be Feeling Some Stress Also
Kids love the holiday season but it doesn’t mean that they are stress-free. They pick up on family anxiety or they may have mid-terms or other pressures at school. Crafting is a great way to de-stress. Don’t over plan. Make it fun and easy so everyone including you can enjoy themselves.
Ornament Making
For gift-giving, decorating a tree or donating to good cause, ornament making is a fun way to spend a December meeting.
Wreath Making
Wreath making is a good money earning idea for your troop.
Gingerbread Decorating
Head out to your local gingerbread baker or bring the supplies to a meeting.
Don’t Get Cooped Up Inside
No matter what the weather, you can enjoy being outdoors with your girls. Getting some fresh air and exercise is a proven way to keep the stress level. down.
Ice Skating Fun
Many troops do ice skating every year as their holiday tradition.
Sledding can lots of fun for kids of all ages. Don’t forget the hot chocolate!
So many great ideas for your December Girl Scout Meeting!
Let us know what you have planned by leaving a comment.