Our girls, Cadette girls, planned their menu and activities for the weekend. The menu helped them to earn their New Cuisines badge while at camp. One of the “new cuisines” the girls tried was hummus and pita chips. Each girl tried it, and only one didn’t ask for seconds. Some other menu items were “hobo pockets” (foil wrapped dinners of either salmon, hamburger, or chicken with potatoes, carrots, and onions), spaghetti and meatballs with garlic bread, walking tacos, and french toast with sausage.
A favorite activity of the troop is archery and we try to schedule that every camping trip. This trip was no exception. This year the girls were able to play games during archery with balloons. The Leaders also were able to try it.
For requirement #1, our girls, along with the other troop that was staying in Little House B, had a nighttime party our first night at camp. Complete with a campfire, s’mores, and songs.
To fulfill requirement #3, the girls interviewed another parent and myself since we both work the midnight shift. I work as a 911 dispatcher for a local sheriff office and was able to tell them about some of the calls that we handle compared to the day shift and also what it is like to work overnight while everyone is sleeping.
For requirement #4, the girls took a night hike looking for various creatures they could find during our second night at camp. The girls were able to locate owls, birds, and some horses on the camp property.
And to complete the badge, we hosted another nighttime party our second night. This time with flashlight tag and hide and seek along with our campfire, songs, and s’mores.
We ended the weekend with a Scout’s Own, each girl saying what their favorite part was and if they learned something new during the weekend. They also received the badges that they earned during the weekend. They all voted to return to Camp Merrie-woode next year.
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