Becky wants ideas: Need some great money earners for cadettes that aren’t bake sales! We are heading to Savannah, Ga next June and need LOTS of money.
Here are ideas from our Facebook friends:
1. Host a badge or journey workshop for younger scouts!
2. We have had great success with yard sales. A church allows us to set up two days in advance, price and sort items. Do it at the first of the month when people get their checks. It’s indoors, so rain or shine. We offer drinks, maybe a lemonade stand, baked items, even hotdog lunch – all for a price. Last hour we have a $1 bag sale. Anything that fits in the bag, goes for a $1. That way you get rid of most items. Another charity picks up what isn’t sold. Usually yields $600-$700.
3. Parents night out at Christmas time was also a great money earner. Charged 20 per kid for 4 hours. Girls ran stations of games face painting, bean bag Toss etc. the kids got a stamp For each game they played. When they got 10 Stamps They got a prize. The prizes was stuff we all dug out of our houses and donated. Old toys, games, books etc. each girl brought 12 cookies which we bagged individually which we used for a cake walk. We had fruit and water and pretzels and goldfish as a snack.
4. Our cub scouts sold hanging flower baskets one year, and did quite well. They made a deal with a local flower warehouse.
5. Another troop did breakfast with Santa. Pancake breakfast, photos with Santa. Good alternative to the crowded malls. Local churches let us use their facilities.
6. Our biggest $$ earning events (all over $1,000) have been:
- Cookie sales
- Council wide camp offered jointly between the Council & my travel troop. (2 nights with lots of traditional GS fun – s’mores, songs, etc)
- Garage sale (in a church parking lot)
- Snack bar & pre-lunch sales at a council Brownilympics event
7. The girls ran a middle school trivia night. Charged a per Person fee and had prize for first and last place. (iTunes cards and a bag of Dumdums). The girls ran a concession stand during it and sold Snacks and drinks.
8. I had 2 troops earn their way from PA to Savanah and Disney World by selling Christmas wreaths. We purchased them plain from a tree farm, added bows and pine cones. Made big bucks on them.
How do you host a badge workshop?
There are several blogs with ideas for different badges and journey in a day ideas. If you look to the left of this page, you should see a section in pink with categories including badge and journey for each level. For additional ideas, you can also look at the website. You’ll see links in pink near the top of the page for each level.
Sorry I know this post is a few years old, but can you elaborate on the Trivia Night? That sounds like a fun event.
The suggestion was made by troop leaders on our Facebook page. The leader did not elaborate. We are posting a question there to ask leaders who ran a trivia night to share details.