Owl Collage

This beautiful Owl Collage was submitted by 9 year old Boris who is in fourth grade in New York City. Owls are a favorite decorative feature for lots of people.
Tissue paper
Elmer's School liquid glue
White paper
2 Buttons
A piece of cardboard
1. The first step of making this owl is drawing the owl on a piece of paper.
2. After you have drawn everything, cut the tissue paper into squares half by half inches.
3. Start making your owl now. Put the straw into the center of your tissue paper square, and curl it around the straw. Glue the pieces on your drawing according to the color they need to be in. Make sure to glue the pieces closely without leaving any empty spaces. Fill in your whole drawing. Then, wait until it dries.
4. After the composition has dried completely (2-3 hours), attach the buttons as eyes.
5. After the eyes have dried (also 2-3 hours), glue the drawing onto the piece of carton. Make sure the carton is the same size as the paper.
6. You now have finished your collage!!

IT'S A WINNER! Take a look at what one of our talented viewers submitted to share with you. This craft was selected as one of this month's winners to received $50 in craft supplies. Click here to find out how you can enter your original creation for our judges consideration.
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