Ideas for Earning Junior* Badges and Awards

Troop 732 doing the Simple Meals Badge in a Bag® from MakingFriends®.com.

Help for Earning Badges

There are some great badges at this level. Find out which ones are right for your troop and get helpful tips and ideas, free printables and complete kits from MakingFriends®.com.

If you’ve had great badge experience, let other leaders know about it with photos on our Facebook page or even write a blog and get $40 for your troop to spend at


Fun Fact: Until 2010, Juniors* needed to complete six requirements to earn a badge.


Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook. We have a helpful community of over 15,000 leaders who always are ready to help. You don’t want to miss the coupons either!

Junior Girl Scouts earning their Girl Scout Ways Badge

Junior* Way Badge


Safety Award BadgeGirl Scouts in a Limousine

Musician Badge

Staying Fit Badge

Social Butterfly Badge

Playing the Past Badge

Savvy Shopper Badge

Scribe Badge

First Aid Badge


Simple Meals Badge

Junior Girl Scouts Fall Camping

Camper Badge

Flower Badge
Junior Girl Scout Making Jewelry

Jeweler Badge

Animal Habitat Badge

Detective Badge
Junior Girl Scout Drawing Badge

Drawing BadgeJuniors selling cookies during their St. Patricks day parade.

Customer Insights Badge

Outdoor Art Explorer

Eco Camper BadgeGirl Scouts enhancing a butterfly garden.

More Badge Ideas

*MakingFriends®.com is not affiliated with, endorsed by or a licensee of Girl Scouts of the USA