If your scout troop is looking for a fun exciting way to spend a whole day helping others, troop 20138 is a inspiration for everyone.
The troop started by gathering at the church where they hold their weekly troop meetings. They grabbed rakes and started cleaning the yard.
In addition to raking leaves for the church that hosts our meetings and for the town park we often visit, we also raked at a few of the church ladies’ homes.
As we worked through the neighborhood, other non GS members and even boys joined in the effort and the fun.
When the older residents saw how hard the kids were working, they offered us juice boxes and snacks- which of course the kids could never say “no” to. Eventually, we worked our way back to the church where we helped coat the ancient basement nursery in a bright shade of yellow paint. The last event of the day was a carry in church meal complete with tons of soup, sausages and desserts.
The girls were reminded that it feels good to help other people. We are all are exhausted by the time our duty is done, but each of us looks forward to doing it again. It feels good to show appreciation to our host church and even to work in the brisk sunny weather, especially while laughing with friends.
Several of the families have returned for this event year after year even though they are always rushing from the YMCA basketball games that day.
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