Friendship Quilt

August 2nd is Friendship Day. This Friendship Quilt is a great way for kids to begin or finish summer camp or any other gathering. Memories of friends made will last for years with this fun and easy paper “quilt”.
Wallpaper Samples or other paper
Poster Board
Quilt Squares Pattern
Cut twelve 3"x 3" squares for each child in your group. You can use wall paper samples or any other kind of paper. If the paper you choose runs though your printer you can click on printables and use our Quilt Squares to make cutting easier.
Have each child autograph their 12 squares then swap them with 12 other children in the group.
Glue the twelve squares to poster board.
Make a pen pal quilt. Include addresses so children can correspond after camp.
For Vacation Bible School have children look up and write down inspirational bible verses.
Instruct children to write their hobbies as well as their names to get to know each other better.
For Preschoolers, use 6 squares each and have them paint or draw on each square.
Patterns, Templates and Printables
Click on a pattern to open it in a new window

Terri is the creator of,, and Her work is republished all over the internet and is considered the queen of kids crafts.
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