Biographies of Environmentalist Teen Role Models


teen-role-models-envirornmentalistLooking for help on your Get Moving journey? Inspire your girls with stories of teens who have made the world a better place. These young women have all worked to change the environment for the better. The perfect companion for our Junior Energy Journey Badge in a Bag®. Print our illustrated biography pages for your Junior Girl Scouts so they can learn about these teens. Choose from Aproova Rangan, Barbara Brown, Mariah Smiley, Miranda Andersen, Miranda Pawline, Phebe Meyers, Priya Verma, Sarah Jo Lambert and Victoria Pan


Illustrated Biography Pages:

biography_miranda_andersen_small biography_barbara_brown_border_small biography_sarah_jo_lambert_small

biography_phebe_meyers_small biography_victoria_pan_small biography_aproova_rangan_border_small

biography_miranda_pawline_border_small biography_Mariah Smiley_small biography_Priya Verma_small