Egg Carton Chick

Easter is a time for lots of egg crafts, but it is also the time to recycle those egg cartons into fun craft projects like this cute little Egg Carton Chick. Don’t just stop at one, make a whole family of chicks.
Cardboard Egg Carton
Yellow Paint
Wiggle Eyes
Fake yellow feathers
Orange pipe cleaner
Tacky glue
Cut the egg carton into individual units.
Paint yellow and let dry.
Cut orange pipe cleaner into small segments. Wrap one small segment about a half inch from the end of the other forming the foot. Repeat for the second foot.
Glue to the underside of the upturned egg carton section.
Glue on wiggle eyes and feather and you have your little chick.
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These projects are created by Terri, Betty, Jamie or one of the talented staff members at They have been created exclusively for publication on with supplies you'll be able to find around your house.
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