Our Girl Scout Cookie Rally was planned by Kathy who has been a Girl Scout leader for 30 years. She has run many fabulous programs over the years and this year in addition to being our Service Unit Girl Scout Cookie Manager, she prepared and hosted the Cadette Girl Scouts Public Speaking Badge series for our Service Unit Cadette troops. She suggested the girls make their final part of the badge running and speaking at our first Service Unit Cookie Rally. They loved the idea and ran with it. Kathy describes the event below.

In our Service Unit we held a cookie rally and over 100 girls attended. After the opening ceremony we introduced the girls to the different types of cookies, told them their names, showed them what they looked like and what they tasted like. Then the girls learned a cookie chant that they chanted every time they moved from cookie station to cookie station.
They had so much fun making a cookie SWAP that looked like a cookie sheet with Girl Scout cookies on it ready to bake (see the cookie sheet SWAPs directions at makingfriends.com) and a Samoa cookie on a ribbon necklace. We spray painted washers tan and had the girls draw lines in brown marker to represent the Samoa Cookie. They attached ribbons using a half hitch knot to make the necklace.
Then they each made a hanging banner with actual cookie boxes to decorate their cookie booths! The girls cut the front of a cookie box at the bottom to a point and we had enlarged color copies of the cookies for them to cut out as well. Once the holes were punched at the top of the boxes and cookies, the girls strung them on curling ribbon to make their banner.
But the fun didn’t stop there! We played our version of hot potato which used a big Samoa pillow being passed around to the music!
After that they played toss your cookies, by tossing discs with pictures of the cookies on them on to the trefoils (trefoils cut out of large piece of cardboard and covered with green tablecloth) placed on the floor marked with points for the different sections.
All that fun makes a girl hungry so everyone got to decorate a few trefoil cookies with icing and sprinkles for snack.
Our closing was a fun review of the Girl Scout cookies with a lesson in booth etiquette and cookie sale safety.
Our rally was a huge success and the girls can’t wait for their booth sales!
A fun cookie rally deserves a great patch! The Cookie Rally! patch from MakingFriends®.com is a great addition to any vest. More cookie patches including annual cookie kick-off ones can be found in the Cookie Season section at MakingFriends®.com
Wow! Looks like the girls had a lot of fun. The cookie selfie station is a good idea 😀