Animal Welfare Advocate Service Patch
About the Animal Welfare Service Patch Program® from Youth Squad
Who can earn these patches and pins?
Anyone who is concerned with the welfare of animals. This program is designed to be flexible for anyone and any group including Girl Scouts*, Boy Scouts, youth groups, families and individuals. Patches can be earned with multi-levels and are based on ability and time invested – not necessarily the age of the achiever. You can progress through the levels — Friend, Volunteer, Advocate — earning one patch per year or choose to do them in a series culminating in a larger service project. Those who choose to do so can complete all five areas of interest — Birds, Pets, Habitats, Sea Life, Endangered — and earn the Animal Advocate Patch Group. More experienced achievers can earn the delegate pins.
Earn these patches to complete your Animal Welfare Advocate Patch Program® Requirements and earn the Animal Advocate Patch Group:
- Pet Advocate Service Patch
- Bird Advocate Service Patch
- Sea Life Advocate Service Patch
- Animal Habitat Advocate Service Patch
- Endangered Animal Advocate Service Patch
Once you’ve earned this patch, you may want to earn one of our Animal Welfare Delegate Pins:
- Animal Habitat Delegate Pin
- Threatened Species Delegate Pin
- Bird Welfare Delegate Pin
- Sea Life Delegate Pin
- Pet Advocate Delegate Pin
* and MakingFriends®.com are not affiliated with, endorsed by or a licensee of Girl Scouts of the USA.
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