Mini Postcards for Swapping for Africa

mini-postcard-africa-swapsAdd our printable mini postcards to beaded coiless pins and you have a great economical swap for your choice of several African countries. Choose from: Benin, Ghana, Kenya, Madagascar, Malawi, South Africa, Zambia and Zimbabwe.

You need:


Print your mini postcards and cut out. Fold on dotted line. Use a glue stick to glue closed. This will make the postcard thicker to prevent tearing. Write your name and troop number on the back of the postcard. Open pin and slide on pony beads in the flag colors for your chosen Thinking Day* country. Slide the pins around to the other side of the pin. Push the pin through the corner of the postcard. Close pin.

Printable African Mini Postcards:

Benin Printable Mini PostcardGhanaKenya

MadagascarPostcard MalawiSouth Africa
