WWGSD Key Ring with Magnifying Glass

keyring_wwgsdAsk yourself “What Would a Girl Scout Do?” This very cool key ring project comes with a mini magnifying glass so you can “discover” Girl Scouting!

You need:


Cut satin cord into 30″ lengths. Fold in half to find center and double knot on to a lanyard hook.

String the top bead onto both cords and push up to the lanyard hook.
Lace the first row of three beads onto one cord. Lace the other cord through the same beads in reverse order. Pull both cords snugly. Continue with the next row of three beads until you have laced all eight rows.

String the bottom bead onto both cords and push up to the last row. Tie off. String two pony beads on to each cords. Tie with a double knot. Trim cords.