Israel | Ideas for Thinking Day*


We would like your photo for this page! Send your Girl Scout photos to [email protected]. For every image we use, you will get $10 in store credit for your troop./Girls who are excited about STEM or interested in religions might choose Israel for their celebration.  All of the major Western religions claim Israel (particularly, Jerusalem) as valuable to their heritage and it is home to more scientists, technicians and engineers per capita than any other nation. Major companies including Intel, Microsoft and Apple did their first international development here. MakingFriends®.com has ideas and products to help make your celebration a success.

Your girls might like to look at our page Jewish Holidays and Crafts to learn a little about Jewish holidays and see some craft ideas to enhance their display.

*MakingFriends®.com is not affiliated with, endorsed by or a licensee of Girl Scouts of the USA