Are you all Registered and Ready for the new Girl Scout year?
Well, it is that time of year again. Getting the kids ready to go back to school & go back to GIRL SCOUTING! If you missed the Early Bird sign up deadline, don’t worry; you still have time to do it. The new Girl Scouting year starts on October 1st. Early Bird sign ups do not have to be current Girl Scouts only, you can use it to get some new girls who missed last year & saw their friends having fun being in Scouts.
Why do the Early Bird sign up & what does it do for us?
Well the Early Bird sign up helps the Families & Girl Scout Leaders alike. It helps families by making sure their daughters get back in the troop before any new scouts can be added.
It also can save the family money. How does it save money you ask?
Well, some Girl Scout Councils offer a discount on Council run programs during the first couple months. This discount could be as high as 50% off the price per girl!
It benefits Girl Scout Troop Leaders. Why is that important?
It helps the Troop Leaders by being able to plan for how many girls they can take on for the next year. Also if a troop is going to or has disbanded, leaders can see in an instant if they have open spots to take on those girls from the disbanding troops.
What is incentive for getting registered early?
The girls get a special patch for signing up early. In many councils they also offer incentives toward extra profit in Cookie Sales for signing up early. Check with your council for what they offer.
Benefits for Parents. How do you lower stress for parents at beginning of school year?
Early Bird will help cut down on the stress of starting back to school with all the money going for lunch, school supplies, PTA paperwork, etc. that always comes home on those first few days. Parents wont have to also worry about uniforms, registration, badge books, etc.
So next time someone asks you why you should sign up for Early Bird, you have a few great reasons to tell them.
Submitted by Colleen Jones
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