I could spend a whole article writing and telling you all about what is included in a badge in a bag from makingfriends.com, what the benefits are and why you should buy for your troop. But instead today Tammy Keling a Junior Leader is sharing her troops experience with the kits and shares pictures of the girls working on the projects.
Submitted by Tammy Keling
Today I want to share how much we absolutely LOVED the Junior Energy Journey Badge In A Bag®! Throughout this post you will see the girls working on all the projects. Many are hands on and girls stay engaged the whole time.
We just finished it this past Sunday. We loved everything about it. It was hands on and we learned so much more than if we would have just read and completed exercises in our Journey book. We did one every Monday for the month of Feb., we took spring break and then we finished it with doing the rest that was left this last Sunday. It was so much fun!
Honestly we were not looking forward to doing our Journey, as it is so much work. We started this Journey and could not believe how this made the work we had to do and research so much more fun!
This was affordable, and the instructions give you a step by step and then suggestions on what you can do additional if you choose too.
Let me say that almost everything you need is in this box, and usually the only other materials you need is the actual Journey book that you purchase at your local Girl Scout Shop, sometimes you will need scissors and such, but we had everything here that we needed at our meeting place.
We were so pleased with this Journey in a box that we have already purchased our next one “Action” and will take one whole Saturday and part of a Sunday to complete it. We will then purchase our last Journey in a box to complete all three Journeys!
We thank you so much for your Journey’s in a box ideas, materials and instructions! Our Journey’s would not have been as fun without them!
They are in the process of getting permission from their school to do their “Take Action Project” They will be purchasing 3 large trash receptacles so that the cafeteria can start recycling their plastic bottles and other recyclables OR they want to start recycling ALL paper, they will contact a business that would give a paper “dumpster” to the school for free as long as the recycled paper is a certain weight per month. (i.e.; 1 ton per month.) They will be meeting with the Principal of their school on Thursday April 3rd.
Did you purchase the troop box or just two additional girl packs. I am doing this alone with my daughter so I don’t really need enough for 12 girls?
For 2 girls, you would purchase one troop box and choose 2 for the number of girls.