As a Daisy leader, it can sometimes be difficult to come up activities for each of the petals. Over the last 10 years, I have had multiple Daisy groups; this week I want to share what I have done with my girls to earn the green petal: “Using Resources Wisely“.
A great place to start is to purchase the Petal Pack Complete from Makingfriends It is a complete set of projects to earn your Daisy Petals, 11 projects in all. They are each individually packaged and ready for your daisy meetings, no leader prep is needed. Order one package for each girl.
When the girls arrive to meeting have copies of the Using Resources Wisely Coloring page.
At the beginning of the meeting, ask your girls what they do at home to help use resources wisely? Ask them if they recycle at home or if they know what to recycle?
Use Resources Wisely Petal Packette
This is part of Petal Pack Complete and is also available separately. Includes six recycled foamie ovals, six magnets and recycle stickers. Decorate the foamie ovals with the stickers, adhere the magnet to the back of the foamie oval and then put the magnets somewhere to remind yourself to try to reduce, reuse, replace and recycle. Project will take about 10-15 minutes to complete. Girls earn their green petal by reminding themselves to try and protect the earth.
Additional Games and Activities
Recycling Meeting Snack
We purchased a can of soft drink for each girl in our troop. After snack time, we played a game to help girls understand the importance of recycling. All the girls stand in a circle around a recycling bin and sing this song, to the tune of Five in the Bed and the Little One Said song.
There’s a can in the bin and another goes in — Recycle ! Recycle!
So ____________ (girls name ) recycled and threw in a can.
There’s two cans in the bin etc.
Continue singing the song until all girls have had their names called to throw a can in the bin.
Recycle Your Oatmeal Box
We had collected a bunch of Oatmeal boxes and decided to use resources wisely by creating small tabletop garbage can monsters. You can use foam or construction paper for this craft, we used foam and large wiggly eyes. Get the pattern for hands, feet and signs here
How to Make It
Paint the lid green; wrap the green foam around the outer edge of oatmeal box. Cut out monster hands and feet on construction paper or foam and glue to oatmeal box. Cut out triangle shapes from white foam and glue on lid to look like teeth. Put big pompoms on top of lid and glue eyeballs onto pompoms.
Pirate Party, Recycled Parrots
For your next meeting have girls all come dressed as a pirate. We worked on using resources wisely petal at the meeting. I pulled out a bunch of scrap craft supplies, cardboard pieces, and other recyclable items. I told the girls to come up with their very own pet parrot to put on their shoulder just like a real pirate. The girls had a blast, and each parrot was as unique as each girl.
Recycle Song
(tune: Wheels on the Bus)
Recycling in my home goes round and round,
Round and round, round and round.
Recycling in my home goes round and round,
All through the day.
Tie up the papers and take them back,
Take them back, take them back.
Tie up the papers and take them back,
All through the day.
More Verses
Crush the cans and take them back…..
Rinse the milk bottles and take them back….
Save the glass and take it back……
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