Question from a Girl Scout Leader:
Does anyone have any fresh ideas for a rededication/investiture ceremony? We’re a small troop of just 6 girls, and they’re first year Juniors. For the past 2 years I’ve been doing a candle ceremony (with the story of Juliette Low passing the flame from one girl to the next…etc) but I use the same ceremony for rededication AND Court of Honors. I’d love to make the ceremonies different in some way, but most of the things I’ve found on line are a bit “much” for our space and time, as well as for bigger troops (I’ve seen ceremonies with 12 candles, each girl saying a line from the promise, etc- but we don’t have enough girls). Any ideas? Thanks!
Answers From Other Girl Scout Leaders Compiled from our Facebook Page
“Maybe you can have each girl say why they are dedicated to Girl Scouting? it does not need to be a super formal ceremony. I think having 6 dedicated girls is so much better than 24 girls who sometimes come, sometimes don’t.” Michele
” We let the girls plan the ceremony. Explain to them what the ceremony if for and have them create a ceremony. Our rededicating girls put together an investiture/rededication ceremony where the girls made a circle with new investing girls in the center. One of girls said some things about being a girl scout (kind of like a poem), and after each line, one girl held hands with the girl next to her, then the next line was said, and another hand held. They went around until the circle was closed and lines were done. (So, if there are 4 girls rededicating, then make the poem 4 lines)That was their “circle of friends” wih the investing girls still in the middle. The girls sing Make New Friends, open the circle, and the investing girls step forward to be pinned, and then all girls say the promise and law. Simple but thw girls were excited since they planned it.” Angela
“Look up the Pearls and Wishes ceremony. It’s the story of how Juliette sold a strand of matched Pearls to fund the first troop. You have each girl write a wish on an index card. Read the story of the pearls. Call each girl forward and they place their card in a Wishing well (I used a small bucket) and light a candle. You place a strand of “pearls” (white beads from the dollar store) around their neck. After each girl has come forward, have them blow the candles out.” Lori
“Our girls adopted a needy family from their school and put together a 70’s Christmas party for them. Each girl broughy a present for a member of the family and fed them a Christmas dinner, had some Christmas craft tables, and dancing available. Everyone had something to do, and the family was very grateful for all the presents, food, and new friends! The family was selected by the school’s counselor. Our family of 4 had 2 children, mom working for very little, and dad on the list for a kidney transplant. Helped remind the girls that you never know what a family mighr be going through!” Angela
“Look through the scribe badge with them and see if they could do a step. maybe write a poem and recite it. then you are doing badgework and ceremony! ” Charity
” The GORP ceremony is fun. I also love the flower ceremony. It can be done with artificial flowers or you can use pictures of flowers . We’ve also done the pearl ceremony using little woofer boxes from Hobby Lobby and plastic “pearls”. Good luck. I’m writing a rededication ceremony using fruit…” Lisa
” This year, we did a balloon release. Each girl wrote their wish for this year of Brownies on a little card that was tied to the string of a balloon; then we went outside, read a few words that myself and another leader wrote up, said the Girl Scout Promise, and sent the balloons off into the sky. (Most latex balloons are biodegradable).” Jocelyn
“We take the girls ideas and try to make it flow, but having the girls talk about their adventures in girl scouts is always fun to listen to. If you live some place nice try something out doors this time of years my girls love that or even at another place” Cinnamon
“I started a ” i find one i like and “rewrite” it to fit our troop needs. i have a LARGE troop (20 girls), so sometimes i have to add parts for all girls to have a part. friendship ceremonies are nice. gs law ceremonies are nice. it doesn’t always have to be a “traditional” ceremony.” Tammy
No celebration is complete without a fun patch.
Looking for ideas
We hope this blog inspired ideas for your ceremony.