Lori wants some ideas: Hi There. My co-leader and I will be leading our Daisies for the second year. We are a small troop. Any suggestions on recruiting girls for our scout troop? Thank you.
Here are some ideas from our Facebook GS leaders:
1. S’mores social info meeting. Just have fun and maybe also do an easy craft and talk to parents about upcoming planned activities and ideas for the brownies years. Talk to them about how scouts fills in gaps where the school can’t provide (like special field trips. A lot of schools can’t do field trips anymore or it’s just not possible to take a whole class on some outings) talk up what the girls will get out of it. Gotta really get the parents invested because at this age the girls don’t know what they are asking for. Talk to them about future potential for travel and camps etc.
2. Talk to your service unit or even the council. They have resources. Also ask your current girls to invite a friend. There’s a fun patch for that.
3. You could post on a Facebook page for parents at the school or other group page saying that you are a 1st grade troop open to new recruits.
4. Have the girls wear their vests to school. You will double by the next meeting.
5. We place flyers at the public library and other bulletin boards around town. Our leaders also staff tables at back to school night/open house the week that school returns to session. This is our biggest recruitment. Some SU have said they place flyers at their churches.
6. The new opportunity catalog will help you let parents know you have room for more girls. Definitely start with your local community/ SU and let them know. They will have new girls in the Fall they can place in your troop. Invite a friend is always a great idea! We have postcards in our recruitment materials girls can mail or share with friends.
7. Our community does a booth for scouts for boys and girls at school open house and we do a regional dessert and sing along as a ‘bring a friend’ event at middle school cafeteria for all GS in our region and past camp counselors lead the songs about 6 weeks into school year.
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