“Feel Better”Yarn Bug

bug_feelbetterSomeone you know feeling sick? This will cheer them up. Recommended for ages 6-12.

You need:


Print Bug Feet, Bug Eyes, Bug Hands, Band Aid. Many inkjet printers will allow you to run stiffened felt. This will work good for the feet, hands, eyes, and band aid. You can also use heavy index paper. If using craft foam, print it on regular paper and staple it onto foam and trim around outlines.

Make a pompom by wrapping yarn around a 5″ piece of cardboard at least 100 times. Mix the yarn colors any way you would like. Cut a 6″ piece of yarn and slide it under wrapped yarn. Tie tightly into a double knot. Turn cardboard over and cut completely through yarn on this side. Turn yarn blob sideways and smooth down strands.

Press Styrofoam ball onto a hard surface to flatten bottom. Practice putting the yarn blob over the Styrofoam ball in one swift motion so the yarn falls around the ball. Then put glue on the top half of the Styrofoam ball, and attach the yarn blob (like you practiced), adjusting the strands of yarn and trimming as needed

Use tacky glue to attach feet, eyes and hands. Glue band aid to hand.

Use hole punch with felt, foam, or index to make spots. Glue spots onto bug.