Question from a Girl Scout Leader:
Nikki needs some advice: Due to my work schedule I can’t be there for Girl Scout cookie booths this year. Any suggestions on how to let my parents handle them? I have daisies, brownies, juniors and cadettes.
Answers From Other Girl Scout Leaders Compiled from our Facebook Page
“Ensure your parents are registered (if not, they can’t handle money), ask one (or two) to be cookie parents. Explain that cookie booth sales will help with end of year trip or party” Kea
“I had sign ups that designated one set up and one take down girl/parent. The requirement included pick up and drop off at my house. Everyone needs to do their share. You can’t give up your life for cookies.” Paula
“As suggested in other comments but you might also pair your younger girls and a parent with an older girl and parent. Especially if the older girls are returning scouts to your troop. It makes parents more willing when they know what they are doing. Definitely make sure all the parents are registered. Let them know your situation and ask for volunteers to help manage the cookie booth sales this year. I have a large troop and we do multiple locations and split up so I have parents and girls signed up to each location. Our troop has 28 girls ages Daisy-Cadette and I think we have 15 adults currently registered as either co-leaders or parent volunteers. We never lack for help when it comes down to the nitty gritty but you have to be up front and tell them you need the help to make sure get rid of any extra boxes or to just increase the troop sales because the girls have a specific goal to meet. Make sure you train them on proper behavior and protocol at the cookie booths. If training has not taken place take them with you to the cookie training.” Crystal
” My girls and parents are completely in charge of cookie sales. Unless I absolutely have to be there it is up to them. How do we do it? Train a cookie manager, arrange for booth sale coverage using sign ups.” Crystal
“you don’t have a asst. leader?We never had issues with parents helping and taking money.We actually had them watch the kids and had them do all the transactions(teaching them how to sell and give correct change to make them more independent) and our counsel let us do it.” Denise
“Our rule is each parent must be onsite for cookie sales. Parents are there to safe guard the girls and to make sure that the cookie count is done correctly and that money isn’t an issue for the girls. I have daisy to juniors.” Tera
” I don’t go to any booths but my daughter.. Training them! My parents sign the cookies out from the cookie mom and bring the money etc back.. On avg I have 3-4 booths going at any given time, my cookie mom man’s her her house and occasionally runs out extra cookies.. It’s not rocket science.. Your girls know what to do.” Laural
If the girl’s participate in the cookie booth, purchase these cute cookie booth patches for them to put on their vest. Get your Cookie Patch here
Girl Scout Cookie season is a great time to give back, read how another troop gave back during Girl Scout Cookie Season.
We have a mixed level troop (last year was Daisys-Cadettes). Our Cadettes are responsible for the cookie program- all the adults do is mentor and provide heavy lifting assistance. The older girls do cookie counts, cash counts, and scheduling with Leader / Cookie Parent supervision. This gives them more ownership in their business, and keeps the adult commitment down to a survivable level.